
When we run the analysis of HTML5/Javascript, the analysis crashes with the below pop-up, please find the screenshot attached: Analysis Runner has stopped working.

Figure 1

Observed in CAST Extension
1.x, 2.x(tick)

*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS (tick)
Action Plan
  1. Check for Third-Party framework files : Most developers put this kind of files into a folder called vendor or third-party. In case of doubt, open the file and see if a comment header containing Copyright information is found.
    1. First check if some Third-Party Javascript frameworks were delivered as part of the source.

    2. If found, exclude them anyway and see if this solves the crash issue.

      These files MUST NOT be analyzed anyway, as they are not part of customer application.  As explained in Offical Documentation, the extension filters out most of the well-known frameworks based on the file names or based on the contents of the Javascript headers inside files. But there could be some frameworks or tools that are not in the exclusion list.

  2. If not found, or if excluding them does not solve the issue, check for the biggest files (especially JSON) and exclude them.  If not found, or if excluding them does not solve the issue, then proceed to the next step.
  3. If the above does not solve the problem, then proceed by dichotomy. The process of dichotomy is explained in this guide
  4. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with the below relevant input.

For CAST Technical Support only - Follow the steps given in the page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Information - How to reproduce user issues for Extension 

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) : This will provide us the logs and the bases to understand the environment and the information about the problem. 
  2. Source Code : Required to reproduce the problem on our side to investigate further.
  3. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots

Ticket # 10613

Related Pages


If not found, or if excluding them does not solve the issue, proceed to step 2