Purpose (problem description)

This page is a troubleshooting guide for the warning "unresolved reference xx.-1 used in property link.callee" which may occur while running UI job

Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Configure peoplesoft analysis
  2. Run Analysis
  3. Open Analysis log file
Impact of the warning on Analysis Dashboard
Impact of the warning on Analysis are - The PeopleSoft Discrimination SQL tool fails with error - null value in column parent_id violates not-null constraint

On Dashboard - You will not be able to generate snapshot

Action Plan
  1. Check the number of missing parent objects. This warning occurs if the parent is missing in the generated uax files. The uax files is not well formed..
    For example the warning could be unresolved reference '89.-1' used in property 'link.callee'
    1. Double click on the warning message to find the corresponding source file for which the warning has occurred.
    2. After you have the source file,  search in the corresponding .uax file if there is line like below -   

      <link caller="88.58" callee="89.-1"/>
      <link caller="xx.xx" callee="xxxx.-1"/>


    3. If you find such lines containing -1 then execute the below query on the Knowledge Base to find out how many objects have a missing parent -

      SELECT t1.idkey ,
      FROM   keys t1
             JOIN objpro t2
             ON     (
                           t2.idobj = t1.idkey
             JOIN objfulnam t4
             ON     (
                           t4.idobj = t1.idkey
      WHERE  t2.idpro =
             ( SELECT T3.idkey
             FROM    keys T1
                     JOIN objpro T2
                     ON      (
                                     T2.idobj = T1.idkey
                     JOIN keys T3
                     ON      (
                                     T3.idkey = T2.idpro
             WHERE   T1.objtyp = 1600006
             AND     T1.keynam = 'Vanilla'
             AND     T3.objtyp = 1600003
      AND    T1.objtyp >= 1600100
             (SELECT T2.idparent
             FROM    keypar T2
             WHERE   T2.idkey = t1.idkey

      If the query returns rows then this issue is due to missing parent objects.

  2. Contact CAST Technical Support with the result of the above query ( to find the number of missing parent objects)
    For CAST Technical support only - refer to the page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyser - PeopleSoft - Warning - unresolved reference xx -1 used in property link callee - CAST Confidential. If this page does not solve the issue then refer to CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Information - How to reproduce user issues for Extension . This issue is planned to be fixed in peopleSoft Package 5.0.3
  3. If you are not able to find a solution for your issue in this page then contact CAST Technical Support  with inputs mentioned in the Relevant Input section.

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock export

  2. Corresponding .uax file for which the warning has occurred
  3. Extraction log
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 Ticket # 2710