CMS Snapshot Analysis - Compute Snapshot - Fatal Error - Error while executing update - duplicate key value violates unique constraint dss_me_val_typ_pk

Purpose (problem description)

This page helps you to resolve the below snapshot issue where it fails with the error - "duplicate key value violates unique constraint dss_me_val_typ_pk"


 In CAST-Ms log you can see below error:

Observed in CAST Version



Observed in RDBMS



Oracle Server(error)
Microsoft SQL Server(error)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Run Snapshot
  2. Observe it is failed at compute snapshot step
Action Plan

If the snapshot has failed at compute snapshot step with the above mentioned error then please perform the below actions :

  1. Perform 'component reinstall' action on central schema using server manager.
  2. Run the below query in central schema and confirm that no rows are returned (Please reach out to CAST Technical Support if you get any result for below query).

     select *
    from dss_metric_value_types dmvt
    where not exists (select 1
    from dss_metric_types dmt
    where dmt.metric_id = dmvt.metric_id)
  3. Launch snapshot skipping analysis.
  4. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input


Relevant input

  • CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options Export Logs, Export Configuration filesExport CAST Bases with Management Base, Knowledge Base, Central base.
  • Screenshot of the issue

Ticket #24814

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