
This page will help you to troubleshoot the Fatal Error message "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "<INDEX NAME>" which you may face while running the Snapshot.

*Observed in CAST AIP
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
8.0.x (tick)
*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. In the CAST-MS log file, identify the table or the view that is involved in the error message.
    The Index name follows the error : "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "<INDEX NAME>" ".
    The Table name is in the UPDATE or INSERT STATEMENT

    In the above example the table name is: DS_KeysExtra.
  2. Check if there are indexes that have been dropped in the local and central. To do so compare the count of indexes between the used local and central schema with a fresh local and central schema, for more information refer to SQL Queries - Common SQL Queries - How to retrieve the count of indexes used for a schema In the above example the Unique index "idx_dss_keysextra" was dropped from the table "dss_keysextra", which led to the insertion of duplicated values hence the execution failed.
  3. If there are indexes that have been dropped:
    1. Delete Duplicated values from the table mentioned in the error message

      DELETE FROM dss_keysExtra
      WHERE  ctid NOT IN (
         SELECT min(ctid)                    
         FROM   <TABLE>
         GROUP  BY object_id); 

      Replace <TABLE> by the name of the table mentioned in the error message

      In our example the query is the following:

      DELETE FROM dss_keysExtra
      WHERE  ctid NOT IN (
         SELECT min(ctid)                    
         FROM   dss_keysextra
         GROUP  BY object_id); 


    2. Run a component reinstall using the Server Manager Tool. 
    3. Compute snapshot by skipping analysis.
  4. If the component reinstall does not solve the issue, navingate to the below pages:
  5. If the above points do not help you, contact Cast Technical Support and provide the Relevant Input in order to reproduce the issue.


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