
This page will help you to troubleshoot the issue related to the number of objects selected for a given analysis unit set to 0 for PL/SQL analysis.

Observed in CAST AIP
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Package PL/SQL Source code using the Oracle Package - reuse existing delivery ouptut
  2. Deliver and set as current version
  3. Run the Analysis
  4. Once analysis is done, the number of objects selected is 0 seen in the CAST-MS task window.
Action Plan
  1. The issue is mainly due to inconsistencies between the extraction files (uax files) and the parent files (uax and uaxdirectory files):

    1. Open the DatabaseExtraction.uaxdirectory file.
    2. Check the consistency between the DatabaseExtraction.uaxdirectory file and :
      1. The Instance.x.uax file:
        1. Open the Instance.x.uax file
        2. Compare the name of the instance in the Instance.x.uax file and the one defined in the DatabaseExtraction.uaxdirectory file as below screenshot:
        3. In the above screenshot, we see that the name of the instance in the instance file (value is tkb31) is not consistent with the one declared in the castdatabase.uaxdirectory (value is tkb21).
        4. If the name is not consistent, change the name to get the same instance name in the castdatabase.uaxdirectory file and in the Instance.x.uax file. 
      2. The Schema.x.uax file :
        1. Open the Schema.x.uax file
        2. Compare the name of the schema in the Schema.x.uax file and the one defined in the DatabaseExtraction.uaxdirectory file as below screenshot:
        3. In the above screenshot, we see that the name of the schema in the schema file (value is SUPPORT) is not consistent with the one declared in the castdatabase.uaxdirectory (value is SUPPORT_HOMVAL).
        4. If the name is not consistent, change the name to get the same schema name in the castdatabase.uaxdirectory file and in the Schema.x.uax file.
    3. Check the consistency between the schema file and the instance file:
      1. In the schema file, the CAST_Symbol_WithParent parent field must refers to the Instance ID defined in the Instance.x.uax file as below screenshot:
      2. In the above screenshot, we see that the Instance ID defined in the instance.x.uax file is the same than the one refered in the schema.x.uax file.
      3. If the instance id in both files are not the same, change the instance id in the schema.x.uax file to the same than the instance.x.uax file.
  2. If the above points do not help you, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the Relevant Input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue. 


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