CMS Migration View - Error - Configure from Migrated Database - Site KB XXX XXXX Id XXXXX not found in Infrastructure


This page outlines the solution for the below error you may face while you run the "Configure from Migrated database" manually on the central base.
Site KB XXX XXXX Id XXXXX not found in Infrastructure

Site "KB_AFD_SIOP" (Id=xxxxxxxx) not found in Infrastructure.
Please make sure to configure all needed servers. "KB_AFD_SIOP" (Id=556903349) not found in Infrastructure. 
Please make sure to configure all needed servers.

Issue is seen if you have a local site registered on your DSS_SITES but that local is not present on your server in the infrastructure tab in CMS.
This typically happens if your mngt has applications that are using multiple dashboard and analysis services.
While you migrate your application you choose to migrate only one of the Analysis Services and skip the others.
The corresponding DSS_SITES on the associated central base still holds the entry for the skipped Analysis service but is not found on the migrated server.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan

It is recommended that you migrate your applications along with all the associated services at the same time.
If you are not doing it, your MNGT will fail to migrate as it will find some missing services during migration.
Even if you try to run the configure from migrated databases manually, it will raise the Site "KBXXXXX" (Id=" " ) not found in Infrastructure.

  1. The only solution to migrate skipping one or many Analysis services is to clean up the dss_sites table manually of the not required analysis service entries.
  2. To do so run the following query on your Central base as per the below steps
  3. Identify the site_id of the skipped KB

    select * from <central_name>.dss_sites;
  4. Remove the skipped KB

    delete from dss_sites where site_id = <replace with the site id of skipped KB>


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