
This page contains all the pages which deal with the issues of Validating Assessment Model.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan
  1. If the TOTAL or the DETAIL procedure is missing in a Quality Rule as shown below, refer to the following page: CMS Assessment Model - Validating Assessment Model - Missing Total or Detailed procedure for Quality Rules in Assessment Model - Archived

  2. If there is discrepancy or inconsistency in the properties of a Quality Rule (for ex. Criticality, Weight, Parameters, etc) belonging to different technologies as shown below, refer to the following page: CMS Assessment model - Validating Assessment Model - Inconsistency in the properties such as Criticality Weight Parameters for the same Quality rule belonging to different technologi

  3. If the version of assessment model in the Assessment Models section, after migration is still the old one and has not upgraded as shown below, refer to the following page: CMS Assessment Model - Validating Assessment Model - Assessment model issues after Migration - Archived:
  4. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the following relevant input

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