CMS Application - Upload Source code - Information - How to restrict the source code to be uploaded on dashboard


This page provides the information on how to use the option "Always upload source code for viewing in CAST Dashboard" and restricts the upload of source code to dashboard and its functional behavior.

Applicable in CAST Version
8.3.x (tick) 
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
8.0.x (tick) 
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

The option "Always upload source code for viewing the CAST dashboard" is provided in CAST-MS > Technologies > Common tab and this option can be used if the user does not want to upload the source code to the CAST Dashboard. But this option will only work when the Snapshot + Analysis is being done for the first time for any application.

This means, that if the user unchecks this option and then run the Snapshot + Analysis for the first time for any application then the dashboard users won't be able to see the source code in Code Viewer on dashboard. But if this option is checked for a snapshot + analysis in the past for any application, then unchecking this option for future snapshots won't make a difference because the source code has already been uploaded from the first snapshot and this option does not remove the source code from the KB or Local schema.

The unchecking of this option prevent the source code to be uploaded and the table which holds the source code of the application (dss_code_sources) to be updated with the latest source code. When the option is unchecked the source code is no longer uploaded in dss_code_sources. But if an analysis has been already done with the option checked, this source code will still be shown on dashboard. So if analysis A1 + snapshot S1 is done with the option checked then analysis A2 + snapshot S2 is done by option unchecked, source code will still be visible in the dashboard in S2 from analysis A1 (It shows the source code that is stored in dss_code_sources).

This is an expected behaviour of the application. Following is an example to illustrate the above mentioned details:

  1. There is an application which has been delivered and the option "Always upload source code for viewing the CAST dashboard" is checked, as shown below:

  2. The first snapshot + analysis is executed for this application with this option checked and following is what it shows in the dashboard after the analysis is complete:

  3. As we can see that the source code is available, now we unchecked the same option and generate the second snapshot of the same application. 

    Then check the results on the dashboard:

  4. So, this shows that once the source code has been uploaded in the first snapshot then unchecking this option won't remove it from the local schema or KB.


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