
This page will help you to troubleshoot unexpected results you may face while running the Update Cast Knowledge Base tool.

For more information, refer to :

Official documentation

CAST MS help Online : CAST Management Studio - Help > Infrastructure > Editors > Application Editor> Content Enrichment tab

Observed in CAST AIP


Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Action Plan
  1. Check in the KB update tool log files if there are any error messages that could explain the behavior.
  2. In your favorite SQL client, run on your local schema a SELECT statement on the CI_XXX tables that are used in the Update CAST Knowledge base tool you have implemented:

    1. If there is rows, check the ERROR_ID
    2. In the table CI_ERRORS you will find the meaning of each ERROR_ID


    3. Fix the query in the Update CAST Knowledge base tool accordingly.
  3. If the 2 above points do not help, that means there is no error in the log or in the CI_XXX tables, then the root cause might be because of metamodel corruption (table linktyp). To fix it:
    1. Open ServMan,
    2. Select the triplet (Management / Central / Local) involved in the application
    3. Execute a Reload metamodel from disk or a Manage Extensions.
  4. Check if the unexpected behavior is because of CMS Application - Update CAST Knowledge Base - Links are not removed from CTV_LINKS table
  5. If the above steps do not fix the issue then report your problem to CAST Technical Support with the below relevant input.

Relevant input

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) : This will provide us the logs and the bases to understand the environment and the information about the problem. 
  2. Source Code : Required to reproduce the problem on our side to investigate further.
  3. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots

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