
This page will help you to troubleshoot problems where the links are not generated by the Universal Importer.

For more information, refer to:

  • CAST MS help Online : CAST Management Studio - Help > Infrastructure > Editors > Application Editor> Content Enrichment tab
*Observed in CAST AIP


*Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Action plan
  1. Open the Universal Importer log file that is located in Universal Importer log path.
  2. Check if there is any error message.
  3. If there are error messages you must resolve them.
  4. If there is no error, Open CAST MS.
  5. In Content Enrichment, open the Universal Importer tool.
  6. In the parameter tab, if the option selected is a Database :
    1. Check that the queries to populate the parameter §UAX_IMPORT_INSTANCES return rows by running them in PGADMIN
      Figure 1

    2. If the main queries do not return rows, it is expected to have no links generated by the Universal Importer
    3. If the queries return rows, then the Universal Importer must creates links:
      1. If the links do not appear, check if there is an Updated CAST Knowledge Base tool that is executed after the Universal Importer that drop links.
      2. if there is no such tool, then it is a bug. The solution is to create a Updated CAST Knowledge Base tool with the same main query to create the links. 
  7. If the above points do not help you, contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant Input in order to reproduce the issue.



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