Purpose (problem description)
 This page will help you to troubleshoot issues related to the number of objects in the module higher than expected.
Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan
  1. If the number of objects displayed in the module content overview is higher than expected:
    1. If you are using an explicit content, the User Defined Module will combine results of the filters you have configured in the filters tab and in the explicit content as explained in the page CMS - Information about Object Filters/Explicit Content in a User Defined Module
      1. If you need to combine the objevt filters and the explicit content, make sure that the configuration of the filters are fullfilling your expectation.
      2. If you need to use only the explicit content, make sure that in the Filters tab, there is no Object filters as below screenshot :

        Note also that for PeopleSoft and Siebel, this is a pre-requisite to delete the default Object Filter (See PeopleSoft 5.0 - Application management and Siebel 5.1 - Application management)
      3. In PGAdmin connects to your local database and run the select statement of the explicit content.
      4. If it returns more than the number of expected objects, you must review the query.
    2. If you are using the Object filters, make sure that you have configured the user defined module as described in the page End User Guides > End-user application documentation > CMS - CAST Management Studio > CMS - CAST Management Studio - Infrastructure > CMS - CAST Management Studio - Editors
    3. Check if the module content overview contains ghost objects by running the query defined in SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Module - How to check if ghost objects are part of any module
    4. If there are ghost objects, clean them by running the queries described in the page SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - Identify and clean up all the ghost objects and ghost projects in your knowledge base

  2. If the below point does not help you resolve the issue, contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input in order to help Support to reproduce the issue.
Notes / Comments

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