
 Analysis units shows up in CAST Management Studio as shown below:


But are not shown when trying to create modules 


Observed in CAST AIP

8.3.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  1. Deliver code through the Delivery Management Tool.
  2. Analyze code.
  3. Try to create modules in CAST Management Studio. 
Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is: Objects in the Analysis Unit are not added to the dashboard and not part of the module.

Action Plan

To fix the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. Uncheck the option "Don't show in the dashboard' for the analysis unit in the execute tab.  See the screenshot below for an example of this being checked

    As per the CAST-MS on-line help in the section 'Analysis Unit Editor':

    The corresponding Analysis Unit and its objects WILL be analyzed so as to avoid link resolution errors and will thus be visible in  CAST Enlighten, however, the objects resulting from the analysis of the Analysis Unit will be flagged as "external" and WILL NOT contribute to any calculations executed for the CAST Application Analytics Dashboard/CAST Engineering Dashboard and WILL NOT figure in any results displayed in the CAST Application Analytics Dashboard/CAST Engineering Dashboard.

    These Analysis Units cannot be part of a module and show up in the dashboard unless you uncheck this option.



Ticket # 5125
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