
This page will help you solve problems related to the run reference pattern.

For more information, refer to:

*Observed in CAST AIP
*Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan
  1. If a popup is generated with the message "Analysis Runner has stopped working" as shown in the below screenshot:
    1. Check in CAST Management Studio, in the dependencies tab whether the Reference Pattern dependency has as Source an Analysis Unit or a Technology.
    2. If it is Technology, replace it by Analysis Units and run the Reference Pattern Dependencies again.
  2. If the previous point does not help to solve the issue, as a workaround use the Custom Reference Finder to create the links.
  3. If the above points do not help you, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the Relevant Input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue.

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock). The option to select are : Export source code, Export database dumps, Export log file, Export configuration file (The Web layer folder that are in the LISA are requested to reproduce the issue and to investigate)
  2. In case you cannot provide the source code of the whole application, provide one source code for Source set and one source code for Target.
  3. Screenshots of the issue.

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