Purpose (problem description)

The following page will guide you to deal with the problems you may face while trying to search a pattern and create search strings like.

  1. Reference Finder doesn't Match pattern to the text
  2. Number of occurrences found while searching in a file are more than the occurrences found in running the reference finder job
  3. Reference Finder searches the comments even the comments option is not selected. 

You have run the following scenario, leading to this use: 

  1. Create the reference finder
  2. Check if the pattern on file is matching.
    1. If the pattern doesn't match on file that means the issue is in the pattern and need to be modified
    2. If you find the string on file then continue to next step
  3. Create an after analysis "Reference Pattern search string" tool
  4. Run the Check tool results for the job created on "Reference Pattern search string"
  5. See if you get the expected strings as the results.
  6. If the expected links are not found then follow below action plan.
Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS

Action Plan
  1. If you have missing links post migration, you can check if your reference pattern dependency is selected in the dependencies. If its not selected then the links will not be computed and the missing reason could be one of the migration issues 
  2. Check the configuration of the reference pattern as described in the page CMS - Dependencies - using Reference Patterns. Make sure that all the fields are properly filled out and set.
  3. Check that the regular expression complies with the standards cast follow for the RegEx. CAST currently uses the Boost (Perl) based Regular Expression "engine" refer to the topic " Regular Expressions "  in Cast Management Studio Offline Help. If it does not compile, correct your regular expression.
  4. Make sure that the set of source and target are not equal to 0. If they are set to 0, then no links will be created:
    1. You can also open the CAST-MS log file to check this point. In the CAST-MS log file : Check for the key word Run Reference Pattern Search String and determine what the number of the source set is as shown in the below screenshot:
      Figure 4
  5. If the Source Set is 0, then it means that the scope of the target is 0: Check the Analysis Log file to see if there is warning / error that could explain why the analysis unit or technology has no objects.
  6. If the Source Set is not empty, change the Reference Pattern definition by replacing the Regular Expression by an expected object name.
  7. If the Check Tool Results raise rows then Regular Expression is working and the run reference pattern should create the expected links.
  8. If the check Tool results does not raise rows, go to the Content enrichment tab, create in the Tools after analysis section a Reference Pattern Search String with the same Reference Pattern and click Check Tools Results
  9. If there are unexpected results, try different options in the Reference Pattern settings like (see screenshot below for reference pattern options screenshot):

    1. Try using a more simple regular expression and make sure that works, perhaps one with only a few wildcards.  If you get it to work, then you can expand the regular expression to be more generic for your particular use
    2. You may have some problems if you are using special keywords in your regular expression.  For example a shell reference pattern of "export CMD=([A-Za-z0-9]*)", includes an export keyword and can be fixed by using a pattern of "CMD=([A-Za-z0-9]*)"
    3. If you are using the Embedded Regular expression try to use the Simple regular expression to achieve same results. Embedded regular expression will create zones in the source with the Begin and End we give in the settings some time we may not find both of these "Begin" "End" expressions in same object so the reference engine might not create expected zones.
    4. Else enable search in string literals and run the Reference Pattern again
    5. Else enable search in string literals as well as selecting "Sub" for the  Name Matching option in the Match Target Options section of the configuration
    6. Else try changing the language options and run the Reference Pattern again
    7. Else try changing the regexp using the different option and run the Reference Pattern again
  10. If the following troubleshooting did not help, as a temporary solution, create a custom reference finder as explained in the CMS Application - Dependencies - Reference Pattern Dependencies - Links not created - Tool to use in case the Reference Pattern tool is not working page
  11. For AMT Analyzers while running the reference finder job following files are created to store the references found in the LISA directory as it is indicated in the display of the "check tool" option of the Reference Pattern Search string tool
    1. The files in the above directory are created for J2EE technology. If these files are created then the problem is in the reference finder. If these files are not created then the issue is in the analyzer.

    2. There will be three different files in the web layers folder. <filename>.jsp.html, <filename>.jsp.js, <filename>.jsp.jsp
    3. See inside the files if you have the expected search string
      First check the Regular Expression in the initial jsp file

      Then try on the liles that are generated in the Weblayer :

      1. If you have the string
        1. The issue is because of the reference finder job
        2. The issue is may be because the search string is in two or more technologies in you code and only one type of technology is shown in the job results. This behavior is not currently supported by the reference finder
      2. If you dont have the reference in the files or the files are not created at all
        1. The issue is because of the analyzer
          1. If you dont find the Web Layers files specially for UA then the reason might be that the string you are searching is might not be part of the object created to check the same.
            1. Open enlighten
            2. Drag the object onto enlighten
            3. Press F11 to see the code for the object.
            4. The code considered for the object will be highlighted and the rest of the code will be greyed out.
            5. Select all the code which is highligted (There may be multiple parts of the code which is highlighted) and paste in a new file and search for the string in this file using "Check the expression on file"
              1. If you still get the string then the issue is in reference finder.
              2. If you dont find the string in this extracted file then the issue is in the analyzer or the expectation is wrong.
        2. Check the analysis logs if you have any warnings related to the files in which you are searching the string. If you find the warnings then try to fix them.
  12. If above points didn't help you understanding the problem please create a ticket to support with Relevant Input

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