
This page will help you to troubleshoot the problems you may face with the Dependencies tab.

The dependencies are created during the set as current version.

The list of dependencies are validated during the packaging of the application at the Validation Step. These dependencies are discovered during the discovery step.

  • CAST MS help Online : CAST Management Studio - Help > Infrastructure > Editor > Technology editors > Dependencies tab
*Observed in CAST AIP


*Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Action Plan
  1. Identify the missing dependencies.
  2. If the missing dependencies are between technologies :
    1. In CAST Management Studio, in the Technologies section, check the default dependencies between technology.
    2. If the dependency is missing in the Technology section, create this dependency.
    3. Run the set as current version.
  3. If the missing dependencies are between analysis units :
    1. If the Technology involved is J2EE :
      1. What are the type of projects of the Analysis Units that are missing in dependency (Maven Project or Eclipse Project). The type of project is defined in CAST-MS, in the current version tab, in the field Project path.
        1. If the project path ends with .project it is an Eclipse project.
        2. If it ends with pom.xml it is a maven project.
        3. If it is ending with a folder name, the Analysis Unit has been discovered with the Java File discoverer, in that case, no dependencies will be created by the DMT. Add the dependencies manually.
      2. Open the DMT.
      3. Select the package that has packaged the Java source file.
      4. Check if there are missing projects alerts
      5. In the Package configuration tab > Which project should we take into account for the analysis > Type of projects to discover in the package, check if the project discovers of the missing dependency analysis unit is checked.
      6. If it is checked, check in the package content if there are projects that are ignored. If there are ignored, then the analysis units may have not been discovered with the expected project discoverer. In that case, the missing dependency is expected.
      7. Check in the projects to exclude section if there are rules that exclude these types of projects. If they are excluded, it is expected that these dependencies are missing.
      8. Open the discovery log file that is in Discovery Log File
      9. Check if there are warning message related to projects or folders that concern the Analysis Units involved in the missing dependencies
      10. Remediate these warning messages.
      11. Package and deliver the current package
      12. Set as the current version
    2. If the Technology is .NET then check the <projectrefrence> and <reference> tag in the project file. If the <reference> tag has a dll referred but you still have the corresponding project present in the source code then a dependency should be created if it is not created then it's an issue, go to next step.
    3. Manage the Delivery Manager Tool (Open the DMT)
    4. Select the package that has packaged the source code of the Analysis Units that are involved in the missing dependencies.
    5. Check if there are alerts like missing library alerts or missing project alerts.
    6. Open the discovery log file that is in Discovery Log File
    7. Check if there are warning message related to projects or folders that concern the Analysis Units involved in the missing dependencies
    8. Remediate these warning messages.
    9. Package and deliver the current package
    10. Set as the current version
    11. Check if the missing dependencies are created.
  4. Navigate to the below section:

If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant Input.



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