Purpose (problem description)

This page discusses a technology independent solution to the problem when the error message 'The packaging in the delivery has not been fully completed' is shown when trying to package or remove a package in the Delivery Manager Tool (DMT). There are also additional TKB pages dealing with some technology specific issues for this problem. Here is a screenshot of the problem:

Observed in CAST Version, CAST Extension Version, CAST Component Version



Observed in RDBMS



CSS (tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Package with Delivery Manager Tool (DMT)
  2. Error received while packaging
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. One cause of this error is, if there is an issue with the DMT discoverers that are in place in the delivery folder files. The log error in this case is normally something generic like this (see this page to find the DMT logs: CAST Management Studio - Information - How to find logs):

    Invalid ////D:/CAST/DMT/DeliveryFolder/data/a04e4d0c-6626-4fb8-8a00-8f1d517d58cc.entity.xml
    This could be the result of many things, such as if an extension had been not fully cleaned up in these files, then references to the discoverer for the extension could still remain. If there has been some recent changes in extensions that have been deleted, then these extensions could be examined to see if they should not be present. The solution is to manually edit the files to remove any errant entries that were not properly deleted. To do this, perform the following tasks:
    1. Exit out of all CAST processes
    2. Backup the delivery folder, in case the step done needs to be rolled back if not done correctly.
    3. Edit all the entity.xml files using an editor such as Notepad++ to make changes to all the files to remove this entry. See the following screenshot for an example where the value "dmtxmlscanner:1.1;" is replaced by nothing in all entiry.xml files:

  2. If remediation does not help, check for a technology specific error (such as JEE or PL1 or whatever technology is being packaged) that might be the cause of the issue. Otherwise contact CAST Technical Support with the Delivery Manager Tool - Relevant Input



Ticket # 16021

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