To add the next version of the application,
  • Clicked on 'Add verison' in the 'Delivery' tab
  • Gave 'Name' as v2
  • Clicked on 'Finish' in the 'Add version' screen

the below error is encountered.
Source Server / <Application Name>: The application 'XXXX-XXXX' is not binded to the Source Delivery Server.

com.castsoftware.mda.validations.ValidationException:Source Server /XXXX-XXXX:
The application 'XXXX-XXXX' is not binded to the Source Delivery Server.

Referring to the CAST-MS log file we find the below detailed error corresponding to the GUI:
Error stack trace:
Generate Delivery Configuration for TKB_APP    The program jars/MIGR_CMS2DMT.jar has not ended correctly.
Source Server / <Application Name>: The application 'XXXX-XXXX' is not binded to the Source Delivery Server.
com.castsoftware.mda.validations.ValidationException:Source Server /XXXX-XXXX:
The application 'XXXX-XXXX' is not binded to the Source Delivery Server.
Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS

This section is not applicable for this page(DMT)

Step by Step Scenario

Add the next version of the application,

  • Clicked on 'Add verison' in the 'Delivery' tab
  • Gave 'Name' as v2
  • Clicked on 'Finish' in the 'Add version' screen
Action Plan
  1.  Open CAST Management Studio
  2. Check in the preferences the Delivery folder path
  3. Go the delivery folder
  4. Open the index file listing all the application and the Management ID.
  5. Check if the application name is listed in the Index.xml file.
  6. If it is not listed, that means it has been removed either from AIC Portal or manually.
  7. If it is listed check if the Management ID is in sync with the Management Database site id of the application:
    1. To get the Management site id, run the following query

      set search_path=<management_database>; 
      select * from sys_site;
    2. If the ID are not in sync, this is expected behaviour
    3. Replace in the index.xml file the Management database id.
Impact on Analysis Results and Dashboard

Reference: Webcall-29464

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