
This page will explain how to identify the Analysis Unit log file either from CAST MS, or by queries.

On the whole, the analysis log files are stored in : <Log Folder>\<Application Id without dash>\<Execution name>+date.castlog

Applicable in CAST Version
8.0.x (tick) 
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(error)
Microsoft SQL Server(error)

To check the Analysis Unit log file from CAST MS, edit the Analysis Unit, and click on the Execute tab. The log file path and name is in the "Last execution log" field.


Using Queries

It is possible to get all Analysis Units log file using queries. We need to proceed in two steps :

1. Run the query below to get the "final" request giving all the analysis units log files:

Query 1

select case

when row_number() over (order by table_schema) != 1 then 'union all '

else '' end || 'select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from ' || table_name from information_schema.columns

where column_name='execlog'
and table_schema=<YOUR MANAGEMENT SCHEMA>

The result is as below :

"select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_asp_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_cobol_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_cpp_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_forms_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_j2ee_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_net_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ora_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_sap_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_sqlsrv_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_syb_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ua_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_udb_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ui_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_vb_analysis"
"union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_zos_analysis"

2. Set your schema search path and copy paste the result of the above query (remove all the ") and execute it :

Set search_path to <YOUR_SCHEMA>;

select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_asp_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_cobol_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_cpp_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_forms_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_j2ee_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_net_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ora_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_sap_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_sqlsrv_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_syb_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ua_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_udb_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_ui_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_vb_analysis
union all select object_id Analysis_Unit_Id , object_name Analysis_Unit_Name, execstatus, execlog from cms_zos_analysis

The result is as below:

A.U ID Analysis Unit NameExecStatusExecLog
15521To reproduce Inner ClassesExecutionNoneStatus

16273BusinessHelloWorldExecutionSuccessStatusC:\Users\SBO~1.CAS\AppData\Local\Temp\CAST\CAST\7.2\7543ada520814794a835b78e3a8b03a1\My Source file based execution unit_16289-20140925100505.castlog
16277SCOTTExecutionSuccessStatusC:\Users\SBO~1.CAS\AppData\Local\Temp\CAST\CAST\7.2\7543ada520814794a835b78e3a8b03a1\My Package 2_16271-20140925100505.castlog
16148TEST SBOExecutionNoneStatus


  1. From CAST-MS we have an option here:

Notes / Comments