CMS Analysis Unit - Analysis Units creation - Fatal Error - Java Lang NullPointerException while adding the new analysis unit


 This page provides a work around if you have a java.lang.NullPointerException while adding the New User Defined Analysis Unit.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Deliver the application
  2. Accept the delivery
  3. Try to create a analysis unit.
Action Plan

We will get this error when we have missing targets in the dependencies as shown in the screenshot below

These errors cannot be deleted even after removing the dependencies from the dependency tab. The issue is planned to be fixed in the version 7.3.7

and you can use the workaround of

  1. Run the following query on MNGT.

    delete from <Management_Base>.CMS_DEP_Discover where TARGET is null
  2. Close CMS 
  3. Re-launch CMS.
  4. Make sure you do not have the warnings.
Impact on Analysis Results and Dashboard

No results for the analysis unit.


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