
When looking at the validation view in CAST Management Studio (CMS), an error is seen about Duplicated User Defined Modules name as shown in the below screenshot:

These duplicated modules are not visible in CAST Management Studio.

Observed in CAST AIP

Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  • Open CAST Management Studio
  • Examine the Validation View.
Impact of the Problem

This issue prevent all actions in CAST Management Studio : you cannot run :

  • The Snapshot or analysis
  • The synchronization
  • The Add version
Action Plan
  1.  Since the duplicated modules are not visible in CAST Management Studio, check what are the duplicated modules by running the below query :


    SELECT * 
    FROM   <your_mngt_db>.cms_portf_module 
    WHERE  object_name IN 
                    SELECT   object_name 
                    FROM     <your_mngt_db>.cms_portf_module 
                    GROUP BY object_name 
                    HAVING   count(object_name)>1)


    In the above example the type of Module is a UnionContentModuleType. The object_id This type of module is not visible in CAST Management Studio.

  2. Close CAST Management Studio

  3. Run the following query to rename the duplicated :

    UPDATE <your_mngt_db>.cms_portf_module 
    SET    definitiontype = 'UserDefinedModuleType', 
           object_name = object_id 
                  || object_name || 'OLD_DUPLICATE'
    WHERE  object_id IN 
                  SELECT object_id 
                  FROM   <your_mngt_db>.cms_portf_module 
                  WHERE  object_name IN 
                                  SELECT   object_name 
                                  FROM     <your_mngt_db>.cms_portf_module 
                                  GROUP BY object_name 
                                  HAVING   count(object_name)>1))
  4. Open CAST Management Studio
  5. Go to the Module tab. You will see new modules with their name finishing with OLD_DUPLICATE. Select these modules and delete them.
  6.  Click Save all (Ctrl + S) in the top left side of CAST Manage ment Studio
  7. Now, you can proceed to do any action in CAST Management Studio (Add version or Run snapshot or run analysis or etc...)

  8. If the above points do not help you to resolve the issue,  contact CAST Technical Support and provide Relevant Input.



Ticket # 5366
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