
The purpose of this page is to describe how text replacement works in CAST-MS

For more information, refer to:

  •  Online help (CAST MS help Online : CAST Management Studio - Help > Text replacement)
  • Official documentation:

Applicable in CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

  Text replacement enables you to define Regular Expressions (that match character strings in your selected files) that you want to replace with other text.

  • Click thebutton to add a new line to the table listing the Text Replacements
  • Double click the new line in the table and a hidden section will appear in which you can enter the details you require:    



  •  Enter the Regular Expression in the Regular Expression field.
  • Chose the type of Regular Expression in the drop down list:
    • Perl (default format) - Specifies that when a regular expression match is to be replaced by a new string, that the new string is constructed using the same rules as Perl 5.
    • Sed - Specifies that when a regular expression match is to be replaced by a new string, that the new string is constructed using the rules used by the Unix Sed utility in IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Shells and Utilities.
    • Tcl - Specifies that when a regular expression match is to be replaced by a new string, the text that matches the regular expression will be replaced by the replacement text.
  • Enter the text you want to replace the Regular Expression with, in the Replacing Text field.

  • The new line in the table above should now be populated with your changes:       


Re-order the list of Text Replacements. This is important because the order in which the items appear in the list, is the order in which the analyzer will replace the character strings that match the Regular Expressions.

Test replacement helps us in the below case:

This tool help us to change the syntax of the source files without doing modification in the deploy folder.

When the analysis crashes becasue of some file syntax then we can use text replacement to replace the corresponding syntax with blank, so that the syntax is replaced by the blank.

When the analysis has warnings due to some new syntax then we can change the sysntax using test replacement


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