Purpose (problem description)

When trying to accept the delivery in CAST MS, you receive an error which results in the delivery not to be accepted.

The error is the following:The application 'XXX' is not binded to the Source Delivery Server. 

See the following screenshot for an example of the error:

Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick) 
7.3.x (tick)
7.2.x (tick)
7.0.x (error)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
CSS1 (error)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Configure Delivery in the Delivery Management Tool.
  2. Package and deliver the code in the Delivery Management Tool.
  3. Open CAST-MS to try to accept the delivery and you are not able to accept the delivery.
Action Plan

The Error when accepting the delivery in CAST Management Studio is :The application 'XXX' is not bound to the Source Delivery Server.

In this case, the error was due to some manual manipulation of the delivery files which resulted in the delivery files being inconsistent.

  1. Check the index.xml file which can be found in the delivery folder in the data directory

Specifically, the line:

<entry key="<uuid>_mngtId"><value></entry> 

was missing from the application index.xml file. 

This is the mismatch that is occurring for this application as it is not finding the mngtId in the index.xml file.

2. Run the below query to find out the mngtId

The mngtId value comes from the first column of the following query on the management base and is an identifier for the management database in the sys_site table

set search_path=<management_database>;  
select * from sys_site;

 which will result in something like the following: 

Query result example

In this example the mngtid is 341341364

3. Find out the uuid for the application

The uuid for the application can then be found by looking at the notes tab for the application in CAST-MS: 

In the screenshot above, the uuid is: 8a4cd9b2-9c73-491f-a529-1bb19dd990eb

4. Insert the missing information into index.xml file.

To remedy this case, the missing line needs to be inserted into the index.xml file in the delivery folder data directory.

The line should be inserted at the same location as other items for this application.  The index.xml file is setup so that items of the same uuid are grouped together.  Look for the following:

<entry key="<uuid>_name"><value></entry>

and insert the missing mngtId line above this line.

For example, for the uuid of 8a4cd9b2-9c73-491f-a529-1bb19dd990eb, an application name of exc_test, and an mngtid of 341341364, the line:

<entry key="8a4cd9b2-9c73-491f-a529-1bb19dd990eb_mngtId">341341364</entry>  

should be placed in the index.xml file above the line:

<entry key="8a4cd9b2-9c73-491f-a529-1bb19dd990eb_name">exc_test</entry> 

5. If you are unable to solve the issue with the solution provided, contact CAST Technical Support with the below relevant input.

Relevant input


Ticket # 3793