This page handle the issue of Missing link from Transactional view . For example when you are expecting to get a link between the below objects you get a missing link.
CAST AIP Versions
AIP Version | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
Applicable Platform or <Sub Platform Version>
Imaging version | Yes/No |
2.x |
Action Plan
- Update imaging to the latest version, as there may be issues already fixed which could resolve your issue.
- Check if the link is visible from Enlighten - ENL - Links, If the link is not visible from Enlighten then refer to Enlighten - Links for more investigation
- Else If the link is visible from Enlighten then check if the link type is expected to be visible from Imaging System - CAST Imaging System - Information - Link types ignored by CAST Imaging System
- If the link type is part of the link types ignored by Imaging System then its expected to not show the link
- if the above steps do not help to solve the issue, then perform the extract in Debug mode - CAST Imaging System - Information - Export application in debug mode and contact CAST Technical Support and provide the knowledge schema.
- For support or advanced users, you can do the following to check things further:
- Check the link in the export by searching for it in <application_name> _is_lnk.csv file
- Check the link in the import
- Check the link in the graph searching for it in<application_name>_is_tra_detail.csv
- Run this on the neo4j database on the objects which are missing the links (need the objectid of the objects matching and application name) :
MATCH p=(o1:<application_name>:SubObject)-[]->(o2:<application_name>) WHERE o1.AipId = '<xxxxx>' RETURN p
- Run this on the neo4j database:
MATCH (c:LinkCategory)-[r]->(l:LinkType) RETURN c.Name, type(r), l.Name ORDER BY l.Name
- Run this on the neo4j database for the type of link missing (like REFER):
MATCH (o1:<application_name>)-[:<xxxxx>]->(o2:<application_name>) RETURN DISTINCT o1.InternalType, labels(o1), o2.InternalType, labels(o2), count(o1)
- Run this on the neo4j database for the type of link missing (like REFER):
MATCH (l:LinkType {Name: '<xxxxx>') RETURN l
- For support or advanced users, you can do the following to check things further:
# 31047
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