CAST Imaging System - Information - Update Neo4j Bolt endpoint Configuration for isolated setup


This page provides the information to update Neo4j Bolt endpoint for isolated setups in advanced deployment mode.

Applicable Platform or <Sub Platform Version>

Platform or <Sub Platform Version>


Imaging 2.x (tick)
  • In our current set-up, we are not launching isolated ETL and Neo4J. This would be the case with Unified and Clustering setup. Those projects will handle boltendpoint themselves.
  • However, if a user still wishes to run ETL and Neo4J in isolated systems in the current set-up, the user has to manually update the bolt-endpoint IP in the Config file. 
  • If intending to host Neo4j on a distinct machine within the same network as the ETL and Service, it is essential for the user to modify the Neo4j Bolt endpoint within the 'app.config' file of respective services (i.e. ETL, Service). This adjustment should reflect the IP address and port of the machine where Neo4j is  deployed.

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