
On the dashboard, you observe the violations on Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @throws tags quality rule . The violations seems to be wrong violations

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Do and analysis and snapshot
  2. Connect to dashboard and observe violations on Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @throws tags quality rule which seems to be wrong violations
Action Plan

Case1 -  All @throws tags should contain class name and description

"Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @throws tags" is violated if the description or the class-name as the parameter is not provided.

  1. Check if all the @throws tags has the class name and description.
    The  @throws [ClassName] [Description] 
  2. Add the class name and the description to all the throws tags.  

Case2 - You are using @exception tags

The metric 'Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @throws tags'  and the metric 'Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @exception tags'  are both included in the current quality model.

The reason for this is that while @exceptions tags are deprecated, they are still in use in older applications.  Newer applications generally use @throws tags.

Therefore, you may get violations for the metric 'Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc @throws tags' when using @exception tags.

  1. Please modify your assessment model for these metrics and
  2. Deactivate the one that is not needed based on your particular application requirements.
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