Purpose (problem description)

This page handle the issue of false violation for the Quality rule "Avoid Classes with a High Public Data Ratio"

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS

Step by Step scenario

  1. Compute snapshot
  2. Open CED
  3. Observe that the violation "Avoid Classes with a High Public Data Ratio" is a false one
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. Check if the number of fields and public fields is correctly computed in the KB, the 2 parameters are computed correctly if there values are equal to the values from the source code, for example, if an object from the source code have 1 public field and 1 private field then "num_fields" should be equal to 2 and "num_pub_field" should be equal to 1:

    Run the below query on Knowledge Base -

    SELECT num_fields, 
    FROM   dssapp_classes 
    WHERE  object_id = <OBJECT8ID>

     Get the OBJECT_ID from page - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the ID of an object from its object name or full name

    1. If the number of fields and public fields is not correctly computed then this is a known bug fixed in 8.3.0, for more information refer to Resolved issues in this release, If you are in a version < 8.3.0 then apply the below work around

      1. Install the procedure DSSAPP_SCOPE_INIT_CLASSESONLY.sql and DSSAPP_SCOPE_INIT_CPPABSTCLASSES.sql on the knowledge schema
      2. Compute snapshot by skipping analysis.
      3. Open CED
  2. If you are using an AIP version >=8.3.0 or if you are using an AIP version 8.1 or 8.2 and the above steps do not resolve your issue then refer to CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False violation or no violation



Ticket # 10739

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