CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - Invalid results the central repository does not contain any value on Technical Quality Index for any application


This page handle the issue when CED displays the following error on all the views - Invalid results the central repository does not contain any value on Technical Quality Index for any application as shown below

Figure 1

Observed in CAST AIP
8.3.x (tick) 
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Run analysis
  2. Compute snapshot
  3. Launch CED
Action plan

As indicated by the error message, there is no value on Technical Quality Index, so there is no object on which the technical index is computed.

In order to troubleshoot this issue perform the steps provided in the page CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Missing objects, this page troubleshoot the case when you are expecting to get an object but this object is missing, in our case we are expecing to get several objects but all the objects are missing.

Note that as for now, this issue was encoutered for 2 technologies: Siebel and PeopleSoft, If you are encoutering the issue on one of this 2 technologies and the above action plan does not help you then perform the steps below, else contact CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input

  1. Check if there is any TQI associated with the application (on the KB of Project Analysis):

    SELECT * 
    FROM   ctv_objects o, 
           objinf d 
    WHERE  o.object_id = d.idobj 
           AND o.object_type IN (SELECT idtyp 
                                 FROM   typcat 
                                 WHERE  idcatparent IN ( 1520011, 1600011 )) 
           AND d.inftyp IN ( 1600010, 1520010 ) 
           AND d.infsubtyp = 3 
           AND d.infval > 2 
           AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 
                           FROM   objdsc od 
                           WHERE  od.idobj = o.object_id 
                                  AND od.inftyp IN ( 1600010, 1520010 ) 
                                  AND od.infsubtyp = 1) 

    If the above query do not return rows then there is no TQI associated with the application. In this case go to the next step else contact CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input

  2. Check if one of the tables that are specific to the technology is populated:

    1. If the concerned technology is PeopleSoft:

      You can check the content of the table "psoft_objects_v" as follows:

      SELECT Count (1) 
      FROM   psoft_objects_v 

      If the above query returns 0 then the table "psoft_objects_v" is empty

    2. If the concerned technology is Siebel

      SELECT Count (1) 
      FROM   siebel_objects_v 

      If the above query returns 0 then the table "siebel_objects_v" is empty

  3. If it is confirmed that the table is empty then this can be due to one of the following root causes:

    1. There is no customization done before the Project Analysis, in order to investigate this check the number of objects that are available in the KB's containing Vanilla and Project analysis/snapshot results. This can be done by executing the below query:

      1. if the concerned technology is PeopleSoft:

        SELECT   t.idtyp, 
                 Count(k.idkey) project, 
                 Count(v.idkey) vanilla 
        FROM     keys k 
        JOIN     typ t 
        ON       t.idtyp = k.objtyp 
        JOIN     <local_schema_vanilla>.keys v 
        ON       t.idtyp = v.objtyp 
        WHERE    t.idtyp >= 1600000 
        GROUP BY t.idtyp, 
        ORDER BY t.idtyp, 
      2. else if the concerned technology is Siebel: 

        SELECT   t.idtyp, 
                 Count(k.idkey) project, 
                 Count(v.idkey) vanilla 
        FROM     keys k 
        JOIN     typ t 
        ON       t.idtyp = k.objtyp 
        JOIN     <local_schema_vanilla>.keys v 
        ON       t.idtyp = v.objtyp 
        WHERE    t.idtyp >= 1520000
        GROUP BY t.idtyp, 
        ORDER BY t.idtyp, 

      The above query will provide a list of all the objects that are available in the KB's of Project and Vanilla. If the results are same then it means there is no customization.So, if there is no customization done before the Project Analysis, then there would be nothing to display on the dashboard of Project because the discrimination of Vanilla and Project would contain nothing.

    2. You have run a CAST AIP upgrade or an Extension upgrade or you have used the Component Update/Component Reinstall options in CAST Server Manager, if this is the case then you MUST use the Run Analysis only option in the CAST Management Studio (on the Vanilla application) before you run the Project snapshot. Note that this is a required action, for more information refer to Note about running a CAST AIP upgrade or an Extension upgrade.

    3. If you are using Siebel or PeopleSoft version lower than 4.x, this maybe due to the fact that no Siebel project type objects are generated, in order to check this, open any of the .uax files and check if there is a tag for  <isInProjectLink projectRelationKind="0"/> like the example shown below (the example below is specific to Siebel but this can be applicable to PeopleSoft also) :

       <instance id="SiebelWebTemplate.14" instanceOf="SIEBEL_WEB_TMPL_APPL_TMPL">
        <persistent guid="SiebelEnv.Project.SiebelWebTemplate.FINS eBanking Query Display Applet"/>
        <identification name="FINS eBanking Query Display Applet" fullName="FINS eBanking Query Display Applet"/>
        <Siebel_Objects CreatedDate="2003-06-08 10:49:05.0" CreatedBy="0-1" LastUpdDate="2003-06-08 10:49:11.0" LastUpdBy="0-1" ProjectID="3-36KZ-T4D" RepositoryID="3-36KZ-1" Comments="N" InactiveFlg=""/>
       <instance instanceOf="isInProjectLink">
        <isInProjectLink projectRelationKind="0"/>
        <link caller="SiebelWebTemplate.14" callee="SiebelProject.1"/>
       <instance instanceOf="parentLink">
        <link caller="SiebelWebTemplate.14" callee="Siebel_DisplayType.43"/>

      If there are no isInProjectLinks then there is no Siebel project (PeopleSoft project in the case of PeopleSoft) type object generated. The cause of the issue maybe that you have used the incorrect bat files during the source code preparation i.e. you might have used the completion jar (CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar) dedicated to PeopleSoft instead of Siebel or vice versa for source code preparation (both the completion jars have same name).

      In order to fix this re-do the source code preparation with the correct jar & carryout the analysis & snapshot.

If the above steps do not solve your issue then contact CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input



Ticket #10480, #4713

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