
This page handles the issue when the source code of an object is not displayed under CED:

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS


Step by Step Scenario
  1. Take snapshot
  2. Open CED
  3. Navigate to the frame FRAME_PORTAL_INVESTIGATION_VIEW
  4. Select an object in violation

Action Plan

  1. Check if the object source code is expected to be not displayed, for this perform the following on the knowledge schema:

    1. Get the object id from the central schema by following the page SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on Objects - How to get the ID of an object

    2. Execute the following on the central schema:

      select o.OBJECT_ID as "Object ID",
                o.OBJECT_NAME as "Object Name",
                t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID as "Object Type ID",
                t.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME as "Object Type Name",
                case when tc.IdTyp is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as "Object Code Displayed"
       from DSS_OBJECTS o
        join DSS_OBJECT_TYPES t
          on t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = o.OBJECT_TYPE_ID
        left join TypCat tc
          on tc.IdTyp = t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID
         and tc.IdCatParent = 138084 -- CAST_CodeViewable
       where o.OBJECT_ID = <object_id>

      Query sample:

      select o.OBJECT_ID as "Object ID",
                o.OBJECT_NAME as "Object Name",
                t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID as "Object Type ID",
                t.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME as "Object Type Name",
                case when tc.IdTyp is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as "Object Code Displayed"
       from DSS_OBJECTS o
        join DSS_OBJECT_TYPES t
          on t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = o.OBJECT_TYPE_ID
        left join TypCat tc
          on tc.IdTyp = t.OBJECT_TYPE_ID
         and tc.IdCatParent = 138084 -- CAST_CodeViewable
       where o.OBJECT_ID = 526831
      Query result interpretation
      Query result interpretation
      If the query returns 'No' in the Object Code Displayed field then the object source code is not expected to be visible on dashboard, else if it returns Yes then the source code of the object is expected to be displayed on the Dashboard.
  2. Check if the configuration settings for access to Local Sites is correctly configured for that refer to Administration - Site Lists. If the configuration is incorrect(wrong local schema name, wrong server name, ...) then refer to Site List configuration (optional), this page will guide you to resolve configure the access to Local Sites correctly.

  3. Compare the capture dates between the 2 latest snapshots, for this run the following query in the local schema:

    Query result interpretation
     SELECT snapshot_id, snapshot_date, compute_start_date FROM dss_snapshots ORDER BY snapshot_id

    Query result sample:

    Query result sample

    1;"2017-10-20 16:06:27.868";"2017-10-20 16:04:24.488" 2;"2017-10-20 16:16:02.153";"2017-10-20 16:13:48.955" 3;"2016-10-20 18:33:03.281";"2017-10-20 18:31:00.755"

    Query result interpretation
    The query returns the snapshot_id, the functional date, and the start computation date
    1. If the capture date of the last snapshot is lower then the capture date of the previous snapshot:
      It is expected to not show the source code for all the objects that are part of the current snapshot but not the previous snapshot, CED shows only the source code of snapshot having the last capture date, but technically this is not the last snapshot (technically means the moment of taking snapshot). As a remediation we suggest the following:
      1. Deploy the deployment folder of the previous source code
      2. Upload the source code - CMS - Upload Source Code for viewing in CAST Dashboard
    2. Else if the functional date of the last snapshot is greater then the functional date of the previous snapshot then contact CAST Technical Support. with the following  Relevant input. Support will try to reproduce the issue by following the page CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - Source code - Missing Sources - How to reproduce user issues
Ticket # 3726
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