
This page provides the solution to the problem of the Architecture Rules coming up on the dashboard and showing violations even though the Architecture models have been removed from the CAST-MS for the current snapshot.

Refer to the below screenshot:

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  1. Configure some Architecture Model in the CAST-MS.
  2. Take snapshot of application.
  3. Open dashboard and Architecture Rules will come up on dashboard.
  4. Remove the Architecture Model from CAST-MS and synchronize.
  5. Take snapshot.
  6. Open dashboard and still the Architecture Rules will come on dashboard. 
Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is: The Quality Rules of Architecture Model will show violations on the dashboard even when they are not configured.

Action Plan

To fix the problem, proceed as follows :

NOTE : Please take a backup of CB before performing the below mentioned changes.

  1. Get the METRIC_ID of the Quality Rule from CB. Run the below query for that:

    select metric_id
    from dss_metric_descriptions
    where lower(metric_description) like '%<Description of the rule>%';

    Example :

    select metric_id
    from dss_metric_descriptions
    where lower(metric_description) like '%architecture check%';

    Query Result :

    Query result example



  2. Get the metric_id from the above query and put it in the query below : 

    select * 
    where metric_id in (<metric_id from above query>);

    Example :

    select * 
    where metric_id in (66031);

    Query Result : 

    Query result example

    This will return the rows with the QR's that are metrics of Architecture model

  3. Now run the below query to remove the Architecture Model metrics from the schema :

    delete from DSS_METRIC_TYPE_TREES
    where metric_id in (< metric_id >);
Impact of the solution

Impact of the solution on the analysis or the dashboard is: After applying the above workaround, the Architecture Rules will not come on the dashboard. This is permanently fixed in CAST AIP version 8.2.9

 Ticket # 6310
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