Problem Description

This page provides an answer for customers reporting the following problem.
In the metric page detail for the metric "Avoid cyclical calls and inheritances between packages", at application or module level, the failed checks reported in the summary table is smaller than the number of objects listed in the list of very high risky objects.

Applicable in CAST Version

The difference between the number of failed checks and the total of listed objects comes from the fact that this metric "Avoid cyclical calls and inheritances between packages" is a "multiple output metric". We can see that in CAST-MS (in the AssesmentModel/ Metric :"Avoid cyclical calls and inheritances between packages" /Documentation/output Tab).

"A multiple output metric" means that each object counted in the failed checks can have a multiple entries in the Objects with violation.
It can appear in the list as many times as it is involved in a (single) violation and counted only one time in the number of failed checks. However, the number of distinct objects listed in the list of very high risk objects should match with the number of failed checks.

FYI, this page of dashboard will be significantly improved in the next major version of CAST (7.1).

Notes / Comments

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