
This page provides the details on the issue of Engineering Dashboard just showing the Business Criteria in the Investigation - Quality Model Drilldown. It does not show anything in the Technical Criteria and Quality Rules section and just displays "No Items to show".

Below is a screenshot of dashboard which shows the problem and will give a better idea about the issue:

Figure 1

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  1. Take a snapshot of the application.
  2. Open the CAST Engineering Dashboard and go to "Investigation - Quality Model Drilldown".
  3. You will only see the Business Criteria and the list of Technical Criteria & Quality Rules will be empty.

Relevant Inputs

  1. Sherlock export with the options Export CAST Databases, Export Logs checked

  2. complete screenshot of the dashboard with URL showing the issue

Action Plan

  1. Check if data is missing from DSS_PORTF_TREE table. If yes then apply the solution provided

  2. If you are still facing the issue even after applying the solution or if the data is not missing in DSS_PORTF_TREE table then please contact CAST Technical support with Relevant Inputs

    CAST Technical Support with reproduce the problem and identify the query leading to the issue by following the page - CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - How to identify and execute SQL query involved in data display

Check if data is missing from DSS_PORTF_TREE table

To fix the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. The issue occurs if there is data missing from one of the tables related to snapshot data (DSS_PORTF_TREE). and as central base is responsible for the data displayed on dashboard, the results are incomplete. To check if there is a corruption in the Central Base, run the following query on CB:

    SELECT ds.application_id, ds.SNAPSHOT_ID, ds.snapshot_name
    left join DSS_PORTF_TREE dpt
    on dpt.SNAPSHOT_ID = ds.SNAPSHOT_ID 
    where dpt.snapshot_id is null
    order by snapshot_id desc

    IF this query does not return any rows then there is no corruption in the central base. But if it is returning multiple rows then there is a corruption. Please see the Query result to know how to interpret the results-

    Query result example


    In this example the rows are arranged in a descending order. You have come across this problem just after snapshot generation so it is obvious that the issue has occurred for the most recent snapshot. In this example you need to pick the snapshotID 75 and proceed to fix the corruption in the next step
  2. cleanup the corruption by running the below query on the CB 

    For CSS
    select VIEWER_PRECALC_PORTF(<snaphot_id>);
    For Oracle
      x number;
      x := VIEWER_PRECALC_PORTF(<snaphot_id>);


After running this query, the first query that was executed to detect the corruption will no longer return any row in the result.

Now, open the dashboard and everything will be displayed including the Technical Criteria and Quality Rules. Below is a screenshot showing the result after applying the above fix:

Impact of the solution on the dashboard is: After applying the solution mentioned above, the dashboard will display the results completely.

Ticket # 4824, 8621
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