CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - What should be the content of the exclusion list when a previous snapshot is deleted


This page describes the functional expectation regarding the content of the exclusion list in the Cast Engineering Dashboard when a previous snapshot is deleted. In particular, here is the scenario taken into account to explain the functional expectation. We suppose we have 5 snapshots (snapshot_id 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and some objects added to exclusion list for some particular rule in snapshot 2. As part of cleanup, snapshot_id 2 is deleted from CMS and consolidation for snapshot 3 is done (consolidation for 4 & 5 not required).

In this scenario, what should be the expectation regarding the content of the exclusion list?

Applicable in CAST Version

Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

Here is the functional expectation for the scenario provided (functional expectation is the same for all CAST versions)

If there is an object that has been selected for exclusion for a particular rule in snapshot 2: For this scenario, you have 2 cases:

  1. The object is selected for exclusion in snapshot 2 and hence marked as excluded in snapshot 3 and removed for action in snapshot 3. When snapshot 2 is removed, then object will be marked as excluded/removed for action in snapshot 3. and hence will no longer be excluded in snapshot 4. So the object will not visible in the Action Plan of Snapshot 4.
  2. The object is selected for exclusion in snapshot 2 and hence marked as excluded in snapshot 3 and selection for action kept in snapshot 3. When snapshot 2 is removed, then object will be appear as excluded in snapshot 3 and will stay excluded for snapshot 4 also and the object will be visible in the Action Plan.
Ticket # 2090