CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - How to update a Central Database for missing cost information

Purpose of Query

This page provides details on updating a Central Database for missing cost information.

Applicable CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Query for CSS

There may be cases where the central database is missing cost information for a specific technology.

 You can see missing information with this query run on the central:

 where OBJECT_TYPE_ID in (select distinct TECHNO_TYPE_ID
                            from DSS_OBJECTS_STATUSES
   and OBJECT_TYPE_ID not in (select TECHNO_ID
                                from COST_CONFIG

This may also show up in the dashboard as 0 cost values for certain actions.

If there is missing data, then you can update the COST_CONFIG table directly by doing an insert to populate the values for a particular missing technology ID.  You will need to update several values to get the complete cost profile for that technology ID.

For example, if the above query produces the result:


then you can do the following updates to the COST_CONFIG table on the central to get the data populated (you'll need to update the values for the specific values for the technology you are adding):


set search_path=<central_schema>;
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, 0, 500.00);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, 1, 0.03);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, 2, 0.05);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, 3, 0.35);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, 4, 1.00);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, -1, 0.03);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, -2, 0.05);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, -3, 0.35);
insert into COST_CONFIG values('Default', 139287, -4, 1.00);

Here's the meaning of the nine values for each technology corresponding to:

•0 : Cost per man-day
•1 : Change effort rate for Low complexity artifact
•-1 : New development effort rate for Low complexity artifact
•2 : Change effort rate for Average complexity artifact
•-2 : New development effort rate for Average complexity artifact
•3 : Change effort rate for High complexity artifact
•-3 : New development effort rate for High complexity artifact
•4 : Change effort rate for Very High complexity artifact
•-4 : New development effort rate for Very High complexity artifact

Once the values for each entry that is missing in COST_CONFIG have been inserted into the central, then run the following on the central to properly build things on the central:

select * from DSSEXT_BUILD_ART_COST_STATUS(<snapshot_id>) 

Once you have updated the values and run the procedure above, then you will have the values calculated on the dashboard.  You can also edit them in the Cost Administration page in the quick access area of the dashboard.

Query for Oracle
Same as above
Query for SQL server
Same as above

Query result example

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