
This page helps to troubleshoot issues when the Exported Data is missing from the CSV file but is present on the Dashboard.

Observed in CAST AIP

Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan
  1. Check if the issue is not already known:
  2. If the issue is not already known then as a workaround perform the following:
    1. Identify the query involved in the display of the view and the query involved in the export ALL action, for that refer to CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - How to identify and execute SQL query involved in data display
    2. Compare the results between the 2 queries.
      1. If the results are identical then the issue is due to the CSV configuration, as a workaround you can export the SQL results of one of the 2 queries to a CSV file, for that refer to The Import/Export data Dialog
      2. Else if the results are not identical then the issue is due to the query retrieving the Data from the schema, as a workaround you can export the SQL results of the query involved in the display of the views to a CSV file, for that refer to The Import/Export data Dialog 
  3. If the above do not help you, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide Relevant input

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