Purpose (problem description)

This page is a troubleshooting guide for the problem where the count of Complex Objects displayed in the left hand panel does not match with the Population of the complexity distribution metrics.

As seen in the below screenshot the complex objects count is 45.

But in reality there are only 23 objects since the source code is the same.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS

Action Plan

To troubleshoot this issue, you need the following Relevant input

Perform the below actions:

  1. Check if the objects are shared between the modules by using the page SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on Objects - How to check if objects are shared among modules
  2. If there are no Shared objects then Check if the objects were present in the previous version of snapshot. If the objects were missing in the previous snapshot then it is expected to get this increase in complex object count in current version.
  3. If you do not expect that the objects should be missing in previous version of snapshot then please refer to user guide CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Missing objects
  4. If there are no objects missing or if you are still facing the issue after applying the Solution then please contact  CAST Technical Support with Relevant input

For CAST Technical Support only - Follow the steps under - Run Snapshot Only

Relevant input

  1. CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock with the options Logs and CAST Databases Checked
  2. Complete Screenshot of the dashboard showing the issue


Check if the objects were present in the previous version of snapshot

  1. Run the below query on Central Database to get list of object that are present in current version of the snapshot but are missing in the previous version
    Refer to this page to get the snapshot - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on snapshots - How to get the ID and name of a snapshot for a given application 

    SELECT   o.object_id "Object ID"    ,
             o.object_name "Object Name",
             CASE dmr.metric_num_value
                      WHEN 2
                      THEN 'HIGH'
                      WHEN 3
                      THEN 'VERY HIGH'
             END "Object Cost",
    FROM     dss_objects o,
             dss_metric_results dmr
    WHERE    o.object_id     = dmr.object_id
    AND      dmr.snapshot_id = <current_snapshot_id>
    AND      dmr.metric_id   = 65005
    AND      dmr.metric_num_value IN(2,3)
    AND      o.object_id NOT      IN
             (SELECT object_id
             FROM    dss_metric_results
             WHERE   snapshot_id = <previous_snapshot_id>
             AND     metric_id   = 65005
             AND     metric_num_value IN(2,3)
    ORDER BY o.object_id

    Query example and result interpretation -

    SELECT   o.object_id "Object ID"    ,
             o.object_name "Object Name",
             CASE dmr.metric_num_value
                      WHEN 2
                      THEN 'HIGH'
                      WHEN 3
                      THEN 'VERY HIGH'
             END "Object Cost",
    FROM     dss_objects o,
             dss_metric_results dmr
    WHERE    o.object_id     = dmr.object_id
    AND      dmr.snapshot_id = 4
    AND      dmr.metric_id   = 65005
    AND      dmr.metric_num_value IN(2,3)
    AND      o.object_id NOT      IN
             (SELECT object_id
             FROM    dss_metric_results
             WHERE   snapshot_id = 3
             AND     metric_id   = 65005
             AND     metric_num_value IN(2,3)
    ORDER BY o.object_id
    Result -
    Object ID ; Object Name ; Object Cost ; snapshot_id
    If the query returns zero rows that means there is are no missing objects in the previous snapshot.


Ticket # 7076

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