Purpose (problem description)

This page is a troubleshooting guide where the grade for Business criteria is incorrect on dashboard.

Figure 1

Applicable in CAST Version
Observed on RDBMS

Step by Step scenario

  1. Launch Dashboard.
  2. See that the grades at application level is not correct as per your manual calculation.

Action Plan

To troubleshoot this issue, you need the following Relevant input

Perform the below actions:

  1. If you have set the Consolidation mode as Full Application then follow the below steps. Else go to next step -

    Figure 2

    1. Verify what is displayed on the dashboard is the same as that computed in Central Database by running the below query

      select * from dss_metric_results 
      where object_id = <union_content_module_id> 
      and snapshot_id = <snapshot_id> 
      and metric_id = <health_factor_ID>

      For getting snapshot_id refer to the page - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on snapshots - How to get the ID of a snapshot
      For getting union_content_module_id please refer to the page - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on modules - How to get the ID of the functional module
      For getting health_factor_ID please goto Assessment Model in Cast-MS → Quality Model Tab → Business Criteria tab - ExternalID displayed for the Business criteria is its health_factor_ID

      1. If the query does not return any row it means that the grade for union content module is not computed.
        When the grade for union content is not calculated then the grade displayed on the dashboard at application level for any business criteria = average of the grades for the same business criteria at Module level.
        This issue has been fixed in 8.1.1.
        Apply the below solution -

        1. Run the following query on the Central Database -

          select DSS_PROPAGATE_RESULTS_TO_APP(<snapshot_id>);
          select DSS_CLEANUP_COMPUTE_METRIC (<snapshot_id>);
          update DSS_SNAPSHOTS
          set CONSOLIDATION_MODE = (select coalesce(min(cast(OPTION_VALUE as int)), -1)
                                        from SYS_SITE_OPTIONS sso
                                       where OPTION_NAME = 'ADG_CENTRAL_WEIGHT_METRIC'
          where SNAPSHOT_ID = <snapshot_id>;

          For snapshot_id refer to the page - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on snapshots - How to get the ID and name of a snapshot for a given application
          If the issue is not fixed even after applying the solution then in this case contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input

      2. If the query returns row and what is displayed on the dashoard is not the same as that computed in Central Database then contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input

  2. If not Calculate the grade manually using the page - CAST Engineering Dashboard - Information - How to compute the metric grade at application level .
    1. If you get a slight variation then it comes from the fact that : the calculation of grades is achieved by using the value of the KB, and not those that are displayed in dashboard which are already rounded themself.
    2. If you observe a very high difference then contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock Export with the options Export CAST Database and Export Logs checked.
  2. Complete screenshot of the dashboard with URL pointing to the grades that you are looking at.