Purpose (problem description)
  • The purpose of this page is to assist with the resolution of the issue when the message 'Action cannot be launched' is seen in the AIP console as shown in the screenshot below:

Observed in CAST Extension Version,



Observed in RDBMS



Oracle Server N/A
Microsoft SQL ServerN/A 
Step by Step scenario
  1. Do an action on the AIP console
  2. Get the error message

Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. Check that the Node and console windows services are up and running.
    1. This documentation page can assist with checking on this:
      1.   For console window services:  AIP Console - front-end installation
      2. For Node window services:  AIP Node service - back-end installation
    2. If the services cannot be started, then please contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to  investigate further.
  2. If the Node and Console window services are up and running, then check the status of the extend service.
    1. If using an offline extend service, then check if the service is up and running and try restarting the service
      1. This documentation page can assist with checking on this :Install CAST Extend Proxy or Offline - optional
    2. If using an online extend service, check if the Extend website can be reached (  )
      1. If you have a slow internet connection, then you should edit the aipConsole.properties file and increase the session timeout. This file can be found in the directory: <AIP_console_installation>\AipConsole\data\aipConsole.properties:

        In one case where there was a problem, changing the value from 5000 to 120000 resolved the issue.

  3. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to  investigate further.


Relevant input


Ticket # 16699

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