AIP Console - Application Scan - Jobs are getting stuck and Node is consuming a lot of CPU and memory

Purpose (problem description)

The page will help you to resolve the scenario where launching any job in the console makes it to get stuck. The node also consumes a lot of memory and puts higher consumption of CPU in the machine.

Observed in CAST Version



Observed in RDBMS



Step by Step scenario

1. Launch AIP Console
2. Run any job in Console, it will get stuck.

Action Plan

The issue occurs because of duplicated data in the sys_package_history table in  management base.

To solve the issue:

  1. Please run the below queries: which are intended to clean the MBs that have duplicates, 
    1. Check that no duplicates remain: the result must be 0 in regard of each management database name

      To cleanup of the  management schemas that have duplicates  

      with ctids
        as ( select ctid
               from ( select ctid, row_number() over ( partition by revision_date, installer, package_name, revision, revision_type ) as rn
                        from <mngt_schema>.sys_package_history
                    ) t
              where rn > 1 )
        from <mngt_schema>.sys_package_history sph
      using ctids
      where sph.ctid = ctids.ctid
    2.  Make sure that everything has been cleaned by running the next query. 

      select '<mngt_schema>', ( ( select count(m.*) from <mngt_schema>.sys_package_history m ) - ( select count(t.*) from (select distinct * from <mngt_schema>.sys_package_history) t ) ) as MB 
  2. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to carry out further investigation.        


Relevant input


Ticket # 40768