Security Dashboard - Continuous Improvement

On this page:

Summary: This page provides about the Continuous Improvement feature in the Security Dashboard.


The Continuous Improvement feature allows you to view details/violations/statistics about the rules that have been selected for Education.

Accessing the feature

To access the feature:

From the Side Menu bar, click the following icon:

The focus will be set to the Education tab when using this icon and you will need to switch to the Improvement tab.

What does the feature show?

This page allows you to view details/violations/statistics about the rules that have been selected for Education:

All the rules marked for Education are listed in the upper right corner, with a selector for all the rules. Selecting or deselecting a rule will update the statistics and graphs. Data in the rest of the page is based on the rules selected here:

Three violation status radio buttons listed in the bottom right corner - selecting a specific option will update the statistics and graphs about the rules that have been selected in the upper right corner:

A graph depicting violations count in the y-axis and snapshots date in the x-axis together with a Violations improvement-summary on top of the Graph:

Table showing a list of Violations in the current snapshot for all rules selected in the upper right corner:

When no rules have been added to the Education tab, the page will display:

When a previous snapshot is active, no data can be displayed in the Improvement tab and the following will be displayed:

Rules can be exported to Excel:

Using the Violation Statuses

Selecting one of the three Violation statuses will update the graphs as described below:


On selection of the Removed status, the graph will display the number of Violations removed in the current snapshot and the number of Violations removed since initial snapshot for a selected rule. Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis:


On selection of the Added status, the graph will display the number of Violations added in the current snapshot and the number of Violations added since initial snapshot for a selected rule. Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis:


On selection of the Total status , the graph will display the number of Violations in current snapshot, percentage (number) of violations that have Increased since initial snapshot and the percentage of violations that have Increased since previous snapshot for a selected rule.  Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis: