Content matrix

VersionSummary of contentComments


  • Contains customer bug fixes

Can be used with:

  •  8.3.3


New Features

Reports in PDF formatTo simplify the deployment and configuration of the CAST Security Dashboard, Security Reports and Industry Compliance Reports will now be generated automatically in PDF format - rather than needing to rely on the installation and configuration of CAST Report Generator for Dashboards. See Note that as a result of this change, the ability to generate Custom Reports has been disabled.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
DASHBOARDS-4658Fixed an issue where checkboxes remained selected in the Profiles panel (Admin Center) after updating an authorization.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
36764Fixed an issue where data is not loading in various violation sections when using a legacy format restricted license key and with normal read access.
36807Fixed an issue where the Datamart process fails with the following error: "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "app_violations_evolution_pkey"".
36710Reduced the time to start up/restart the Dashboard when a large number of applications are present.