Content matrix

VersionSummary of contentComments
  • ISO tile displays the number of Violations (it has been changed from critical violation to non-critical, now it does not depend on the critical switch).
  • Contains customer bug fixes

Can be used with:

  •  8.3.3


Feature Improvements

Industry standard tiles should show non-critical violation counts by defaultIndustry standard tiles will show total violation counts by default, and will not change when the Critical violations toggle is enabled.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
DASHBOARDS-3444/server/reset web service should reload the roles.xml file
DASHBOARDS-3621Action Plan Recommendation Algorithm Bug in the rules selection
DASHBOARDS-3655Bad order of records for some extraction with modules

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
30102[AIP Datamart] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "mod_health_scores_pkey". This bug impacting the RestAPI is now fixed.
29825EXCLUSIONS and ACTION tabs are not available in dashboard due to overlap of item in the view