Content matrix

VersionSummary of contentComments

Bug fixes for:

  • Technical Size indicator view not working at single application level in the Health Dashboard.
  • All dashboards do not function in IE11.

Can be used with:

  •  8.3.3

  • Support for ISO-5055 extension
  • ISO report names are added and OMG report names are removed
  • APR provides the number of occurrences during which the violation of a rule takes place
  • In Technical Debt (OMG), the Adjustment Factor value are now set to two decimal places
  • Release version is given in the home page 
  • Contains customer bug fixes


Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
DASHBOARDS-3454Correction to fix an issue where the dashboard is not working in IE11.


New Features

Support for ISO-5055 Metrics in DashboardsThe ISO-5055-Security metric tile is now available, by default, in Dashboards with full functionality support.
GUI - Adjustment FactorThe "Adjustment Factor" column in the "Technical Debt (OMG)" table now displays the value using two decimal places.

Feature Improvements

OMG efforts in APRAction Plan Recommendation (APR) now uses the OMG specified/modified efforts in its calculation. One more column called "Occurrences" is added, it displays the number of occurrences of a violation.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
DASHBOARDS-3226Exclusion View: Tooltip should be disabled in background, when dialog box is open
DASHBOARDS-3366Multiple API hits in the Active/Scheduled exclusions view
DASHBOARDS-3388APR: Criteria and rules are always displaying from AIP assessment model when you change the health measure from industry standards AM
DASHBOARDS-3327The Dashboard build number has been removed from the footer.
DASHBOARDS-3427Unable to navigate to violations table from Rules in Risk Investigation view.