This page provides information about the following tiles that are available in CAST Imaging ≥ 2.14 for some applications in the User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page:
- Cloud Readiness
- Containerization Insights
These tiles provide information about how well prepared your application is for cloud migration, i.e. moving from an on premises deployment to a cloud scenario. When clicked, each tile provides an interface where a list of "blockers" and "boosters" can be consulted - i.e. a list of items or behaviour found in the application that could either hinder a move to the cloud (a blocker) or that already conform to cloud best-practices (a booster).
This information is generated by CAST Highlight, therefore these tiles are only displayed if the application meets the following requirements:
- Analyzed with CAST Console ≥ 2.4
- Analyzed with the extension com.castsoftware.highlight2mri ≥ 1.0.0-beta
- The CloudReady Blockers/Boosters and Containerization Blockers can also be accessed via the Insights tab in the Legends panel - see User Guide - GUI - Legend panel.
- In preview section blockers are highlighted in red and boosters are highlighted in green thus helps to differentiate between blockers and boosters.
- In releases ≥ 2.16, you may use generic node info panel for advisor, modernisation and cloud-ready tiles.
Blockers Panel
A Blocker is an "issue" found in the application that could hinder or make it more difficult to move the application to the cloud. For example, the "blocker" Perform file manipulation describes a situation where a component in the application is using a local file system and the recommendation is to update that component or behaviour to store the temporary information in a dedicated Cloud-based storage or in a NoSQL database.
When either Cloud Readiness or Containerization tile is clicked, the following interface is displayed:
Click to enlarge
Following screen is displayed when a search criteria is not available.
Left hand panel
The left hand panel displays the list of "blockers" (i.e. defects that would affect a move to a cloud deployment scenario) found in the current application:
Search for criteria | Allows you to search for a specific cloud requirement blocker (i.e. the search is performed on the content of the Cloud requirement column. |
Cloud requirement | Lists the name of the specific "blocker" that has been found in the application - clicking the "i" information icon will open a new tab containing an in-depth explanation of why this item is deemed to be a blocker for cloud migration: For example, the Perform File Manipulation blocker is explained in the following external CAST Highlight documentation page: Click to enlarge |
Category | Lists the parent category for the "blocker". |
Criticality | Lists the criticality of the "blocker":
The criticality level impacts the application CloudReady score (available in CAST Highlight). |
Impact | Displays the migration impact level for the specific "blocker". These indicate the different layers of your application that you should modify or fix, in order to comply with Cloud-oriented programming best practices and remove the identified roadblocks. |
Object Count | Lists the number of objects in the current application which contain the "blocker" and should therefore be modified or fixed before a cloud migration is actioned. |
In Imaging ≥ 2.19, External Filters (By module) are added to Cloud Ready, Containerisation and Third Party Components.
In Imaging ≥ 2.17, filter icon color changes to blue color on filter selection.
Right hand panel
The right hand panel displays all the objects in the current application which contain the currently selected "blocker". For example, the Perform File Manipulation "blocker" is selected and 25 objects whose code contains this "blocker" are displayed:
Click to enlarge
Interactive view
The "view" is interactive:
- zoom levels can be adjusted
- the view can be reset
- objects can moved
- the view "canvas" can be dragged
Investigate button
The Investigate button creates a custom view directly in CAST Imaging containing all the objects in the view. This custom view can then be saved so that it is possible to investigate each of the objects and then modify them to meet cloud migration purposes:
Resulting custom view:
In Imaging ≥ 2.19, you can filter Insights using the categories listed for the given Insight. Filtering the Insight will update the highlighted nodes in the graph accordingly.
Boosters Panel
A Booster is a behaviour found in the application that already conforms to cloud best-practices, and therefore would not negatively impact the process of moving the application to the cloud. In other words, the behaviour is already "cloud ready". For example the "booster" Using a Cloud-based data storage describes a situation where a component in the application is already using cloud storage and would therefore not need to be updated.
- Available in versions ≥ 2.16.
- "Boosters" are only available via the "Cloud Readiness" tile.
When you click on Cloud Readiness tile, following screen is displayed.
Following screen is displayed if there are no booster criteria found for the selected application.
Following screen is displayed when a search criteria is not available.
Left hand panel
The left hand panel displays the list of "boosters" (i.e. boosters that would affect the move to a cloud deployment scenario) found in the current application:
Search for criteria | Allows you to search for a specific cloud requirement booster (i.e. the search is performed on the content of the Cloud requirement column). |
Cloud requirement | Lists the name of the specific "booster" that has been found in the application - clicking the "i" information icon will open a new tab containing an in-depth explanation of why this item is deemed to be a booster for cloud migration: For example, the Using a Cloud-based data storage booster is explained in the following external CAST Highlight documentation page: Click to enlarge |
Category | Lists the parent category for the "boosters". |
Criticality | Lists the criticality of the "boosters":
The criticality level impacts the application CloudReady score (available in CAST Highlight). |
Impact | Displays the migration impact level for the specific "boosters". |
Object Count | Lists the number of objects in the current application which contain the "boosters". |
Right hand panel
The right hand panel displays all the objects in the current application which contain the currently selected "boosters". For example, Using a Cloud-based data storage booster has been selected and 4 objects whose code contains this "boosters" are displayed:
Interactive view
The "view" is interactive:
- zoom levels can be adjusted
- the view can be reset
- objects can moved
- the view "canvas" can be dragged
Investigate button
The Investigate button creates a custom view directly in CAST Imaging containing all the objects in the view. This custom view can then be saved so that it is possible to investigate each of the objects and then modify them to meet cloud migration purposes:
Resulting custom view: