CAST Imaging front end runs by default on port 80 in ≤ 2.0.0-beta5 or port 8083 (or the first free port available after 8083) in ≥ 2.0.0-beta6. If this port is already used by another pre-existing service you can reconfigure the service to use an alternative (for example 8080).
- Note that you should always check that the new port you intend to use is not ALREADY being used by some other service.
- See also Reconfiguring internal services to run on a custom port if you wish to reconfigure any of the internal services to run on another custom port.
Microsoft Windows via traditional installer - all releases
Edit the following file:
Note that the file is located in the protected %APPDATAM location, therefore you must open the file with elevated permission (this is usually achieved by right clicking your text editor in the Windows start menu and selecting Run as administrator):
Locate the following lines:
# Running port listen 8083;
Change line to the required port number, for example:
# Running port listen 8080;
Save the file and ensure that you restart the CAST Imaging System - imaging-fe Windows service.
Docker for Windows/Linux - all releases
Edit the following file:
Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping the extension): .env
Locate the following lines:
Change line HTTP_PORT to the required port number, for example 8082. This changes the access port to 8082:
Save the file and ensure that you stop and then start CAST Imaging using the following commands (issuing a restart will not cause the port number change to be taken into account):
---Stop CAST Imaging: Docker Installer extension (ensure you run the commands from the folder created when unzipping the extension): Linux: ./imaging -s stop Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s stop ---Start CAST Imaging: Docker Installer extension (ensure you run the commands from the folder created when unzipping the extension): Linux: ./imaging -s start Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s start
Edit imagingetl.bat or etl/app.config - 2.8.0-funcrel only
Edit the following file:
Microsoft Windows traditional installer: %APPDATA%\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice\imagingetl.bat Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping the extension): etl/app.config
In this file, locate the following line:
Microsoft Windows traditional installer: -HTTP_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8083/imaging" Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping the extension): "HTTP_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:8083/imaging"
Change the URL (port) to match the changes you have made in the nginx.conf file. Save the file and ensure that you restart the CAST Imaging System - imaging-ETL Windows service or the etl Docker container in order for the new configuration to be taken into account.