Summary: information to help you manage your CAST Imaging installation (start, stop, restart etc.)


CAST Imaging on Docker is controlled by a set of commands that can be viewed using any of the following commands. Ensure you are running the command from the folder created when unzipping/installing the Docker Installer extension:

./imaging -h
./imaging --help

Microsoft Windows:
imaging.exe -h
imaging.exe --help


usage: imaging [-h] [-s command [command ...]] [-d DIR] [-c CONFIGFILE]
               [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--port PORT]
               [--updateimage KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]] [--importapp]
               [--exportapp EXPORTAPP] [--restoreapp RESTOREAPP]
               [--update KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]

Imaging setup manager!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s command [command ...], --service command [command ...]
                        imaging -s status
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Provide the installation location for CAST Imaging.
  -c CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        config file for ETL automation
  --user USER           username used to connect to neo4j server
  --password PASSWORD   password used to connect to neo4j server
  --port PORT           host port for neo4j server
  --updateimage KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]
                        Update individual image tags.
  --importapp           Import new application from postgres
  --exportapp EXPORTAPP
                        Export the application
  --restoreapp RESTOREAPP
                        Restore the application
  --update KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]
                        Update CAST Imaging.


Start CAST Imaging

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s start
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s start

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s start

Stop CAST Imaging

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s stop
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s stop

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s stop

Stop a specific container

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s stop container_name
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s stop container_name

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s stop container_name

Restart CAST Imaging

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s restart
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s restart

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s restart

Restart a specific container

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s restart container-name
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s restart container-name

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s restart container-name

View the status of CAST Imaging containers

Docker Installer extension:
Linux: ./imaging -s status
Microsoft Windows: imaging.exe -s status

Linux Docker Installer extension (deprecated)
imaging -s status

Export and import data 

See Automation tool export and import process.

Update CAST Imaging to a new release

See Update an existing installation - Docker.

Uninstall CAST Imaging

See Uninstall process.