Summary: this page describes how to use the multi tenant feature.

A user with the SUPER ADMIN role is required. The panel is not visible for users assigned any other role.


The Multi tenant panel enables you to manage the tenants within your instance of CAST Imaging:

Tenants enable Application data to be kept separate and for each tenant to have its own specific set of roles - including a tenant admin to administer all Applications in the tenant. Users/groups can then be assigned a role(roles) which permits them to view specific Application data. One specific use case for this feature is to be able to use one single CAST Imaging instance to host multiple Applications that multiple users need to access, but you do not not want all users to be able to access all of the Applications. You also need each tenant to have a dedicated admin user that can manage the Applications within that tenant.

Out of the box, CAST Imaging provides one single tenant called "default". If you do not need to use the multi tenant feature, then there is no need to add any additional tenants.

Creating additional custom tenants

A tenant name can contain only the following characters:

  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • underscore ('_')

Click the Add tenant button to create an additional tenant:

The new tenant is displayed in the list alongside the default tenant

Impact of creating additional custom tenants

When additional custom tenants are created, the impact is seen in the the following Admin Center panels:

A new tenant selector switch will be made available - this switch essentially separates the applications, roles, role assignments and app to app dependencies configuration per tenant:

Any applications, roles, role assignments and app to app dependencies configuration that were imported or configured BEFORE the creation of an additional tenant will be placed in a tenant called "default" (which cannot be removed). For example the application MEUDON was imported before the creation of an additional tenant, it is now present in the "default" tenant:

Switching to the custom tenant, the application MEUDON is not visible:

In the same way, the user cast was granted specific roles BEFORE the creation of an additional tenant, and these role assignments are now only visible in the "default" tenant. This means that the user does not now have the same roles in the additional custom tenant and these must be recreated if the user requires the same level of access:

When additional custom tenants are created, you must, therefore, ensure that the changes you make in the Admin Center are completed in the correct tenant.

Rename / delete existing custom tenants

When a custom tenant has been created, you can edit the tenant to rename or delete it:


  • Renaming a tenant does not impact any applications, roles, role assignments and app to app dependencies configuration specific to that tenant.
  • When you delete an existing tenant, all applications, roles and roles assignments associated with the tenant are also deleted! Use with caution!