2.8.0-funcrel only - Manual update for instances running on custom front-end port

A known issue is present in 2.8.0-funcrel ONLY (fixed in 2.8.1-funcrel) which prevents applications from being imported when the CAST Imaging instance runs on a custom front-end port. An error states that the current license key is not valid, when in fact it is. To resolve this issue, edit the following file:

Microsoft Windows traditional installer:
Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping the extension):

In this file, add a new entry HTTP_ENDPOINT and specify the URL to your CAST Imaging instance. For example, add the following if your instance is running on port 443 (https):

Microsoft Windows traditional installer:

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (%0) do set CMDDIR=%%~dpa
@set PATH=C:\Program Files\CAST\ImagingSystem\jdk\bin;%PATH%

imagingetl.exe -PORT=9001 ^
-NEO4J_USERNAME="neo4j" ^
-NEO4J_PASSWORD="imaging" ^
-NEO4J_IMPORT_PATH="C:/ProgramData/CAST/ImagingSystem/Neo4j_data/import/" ^
-NEO4J_ARCHIVE_PATH="C:/ProgramData/CAST/ImagingSystem/Neo4j_data/import/archive/" ^
-TOKEN "D5ED6A406775FC71B8D2A978883E8ED4" ^
-LOG_PATH="C:\Program Files\CAST\ImagingSystem/logs/" ^
-LOG_LEVEL=info ^
-WEB_SERVICE_LINKER_PATH="C:\Program Files\CAST\ImagingSystem\web-service-linker" ^
-ETL_AUTOMATION_BINARY_PATH="C:\Program Files\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice\etl-automation"
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
exit /b 0

Docker Installer extension (located in the folder created when unzipping the extension)
note: ensure you add a comma (,) to the end of the line before your HTTP_ENDPOINT entry:

"PORT": "9001",
"NEO4J_BOLT_ENDPOINT": "neo4j:7687",
"NEO4J_USERNAME": "neo4j",
"NEO4J_PASSWORD": "imaging",
"TOKEN": "D5ED6A406775FC71B8D2A978883E8ED4",
"NEO4J_IMPORT_PATH": "/opt/imaging/imaging-etl/upload/",
"NEO4J_ARCHIVE_PATH": "/opt/imaging/imaging-etl/upload/archive/",
"LOG_PATH": "/opt/imaging/imaging-etl/logs/",
"LOG_LEVEL": "debug",
"HTTP_ENDPOINT": "https://localhost/imaging"

Save the file and ensure that you restart the CAST Imaging System - imaging-ETL Windows service or the etl Docker container in order for the new configuration to be taken into account.