
Feature Improvements

New property in Object PropertiesA new object property called "Mangling" is now displayed in the Object Properties panel. A re-export and import of your application is required to be able to see this new property.
Count of links improvementThe count on links have been improved to avoid counting escalated links. Also, objects that are shared among multiple groups (Modules/Subsets/Services) of the same type are now excluded when expanding a link or a node with the Expand caller/callee option - however, all the objects associated to the group are still available in the node + children option (note: a re-import/update of your application will be required for the data to be consistent).
Update Custom Aggregation view direct from a standard scopeCustom aggregation views can now be modified directly from a standard scope. This avoids having to return to the custom view to search for nodes to then update the view. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Creating+a+custom+aggregation+mode#UserGuideCreatingacustomaggregationmode-associateAssociateobjectstoacustomnodefromanotherscope.
Application to Application Dependencies scope - hidden linksIt is now possible to export to .CSV file all inter-Application links that have been manually hidden from the Application to Application Dependencies scope. A download button has been added in the Admin Center > App to App Dependencies > Review Hidden Links section. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Application+to+Application+Dependencies+management#AdminCenterApplicationtoApplicationDependenciesmanagement-Reviewhiddenlinks.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-3797Issue with expanding grouped node in saved view has been fixed.
IMAGSYS-3738Issue with graph layouts during level transformation has been fixed.
IMAGSYS-3796The "Children only" and "Children only, group by communities" options previously available as drill mode options in the Data Call Graph scope and the Transaction scope have been removed.
IMAGSYS-3759An issue where nodes were being placed outside the box in visual grouping mode after object drill down has been fixed.
IMAGSYS-3772Issues with published custom aggregation views that were not visible for non-collaborators has been fixed.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
29726View search icon is missing in custom views. This has been fixed.
29380Visualizing objects selected in the search panel is not working correctly: an empty page is always displayed the first time. This has been fixed.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-3826An unending pulse effect is seen around an object when any action in the graph is triggered before a "normal" pulse ends. This issue is mostly seen with communities, start/end objects in transactions and undo/redo actions. It will be fixed in a future release.


New Features

GUI - Node Snapping optionThis feature helps auto-position nodes with respect to other nodes in terms of axis and distances. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-Leftsidebarmenus.
GUI - Undo or Redo graph actionsThis feature allows you to undo or redo actions such as ungrouping, adding callers/callees, adding concept nodes/edges etc. Two buttons are now available in the bottom-left corner in Objects mode and Level 5. This is a one level undo/redo action. The keyboard commands CTRL + X and CTRL + Y are also supported: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-Bottomleftcorner.
GUI - Visual Grouping - BETAThe Visual Grouping option enables you to visualize a specific level grouping in another level. For example, if you are working in level 5 you can choose to view the nodes in level 5 using the grouping from any of the other levels 1 - 4. https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-menus-iconsMenus/icons.

Feature Improvements

GUI - Custom Aggregation mode improvementsThe UI for the Custom Aggregation mode editor has been improved: the icons have been re-arranged and redesigned. In addition it is now possible to create a new custom aggregation mode using the default modules, architecture models and services aggregation modes. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Creating+a+custom+aggregation+mode.
GUI - Enrich saved viewsIt is now possible to update a saved view by adding new nodes resulting from a global search performed with the search option available in the toolbar. Note that this feature is only applicable to views saved from a search results. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Saving+and+accessing+saved+views#UserGuideSavingandaccessingsavedviews-EnrichingaSavedview.
GUI - Source code viewerImprovements have been made to the source code viewer, 1) users can toggle between a light and dark theme, 2) the font/styling of the source has been improved, 3) Source code expansion system is no longer limited to 20 lines at a time, instead, 200 lines at a time can be exposed, going down in increments of 100 and 20 lines. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Viewing+source+code.
GUI - Investigate Panel - Levels dropdownThe "Objects" option in the Levels dropdown has been removed across all scopes/views. When drilling down in a level 5 node, the two Perspective dropdowns "Aggregated By" and "Levels" are now disabled. The "Objects" label is now positioned next to the levels dropdown indicating that the user is in Objects view. In other scopes such as (Transactions, Module, etc.) it is possible to go directly to the Objects view by clicking the "Objects" link found next to the levels dropdown.
GUI - Application to Application Dependencies scope - hide linksIt is now possible to hide a link between two applications in the Application to Application Dependencies scope: right click the link and select "Hide Link". Hidden links are then listed in a dedicated section in the Admin Center, where they can be unhidden. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Link and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Application+to+Application+Dependencies+management#AdminCenterApplicationtoApplicationDependenciesmanagement-Reviewhiddenlinks..
GUI - Provide more details on "References" links"References" links between nodes now show a number alongside the type of link. This number indicates the number of relations at the object level that were used to create the "References" link. (Note: The number of links does not take into account the objects that are shared.)

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-3606Additional enforcement has been implemented to control the size of each node when there is a relatively small amount of nodes in the view. This is to avoid a sizing issue when nodes occupy all the space in the entire view. In addition, the zoom threshold on the manual zoom In/Out options ('+'/'-' buttons located in the view) for the view has been improved for better zoom capability.
IMAGSYS-3701The OGMA Graph Library used by CAST Imaging has been updated to v3.3.10. This release resolves some issues with newer features of CAST Imaging.
IMAGSYS-3527The Neo4J driver used by CAST Imaging has been updated to v4.2.4, bringing with it new features and improvements which will be leveraged by CAST Imaging.
IMAGSYS-3710When selecting an app node and viewing its properties in app to app dependencies view, the count numbers for lines of code, artifacts and number of decision points are now formatted for better user readability.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
29096Graphical glitch" in Transactions with "USE" relationships
29220App search in app list page was not searching for between characters
29335Missing link from "Master Source File" to "C# method" in transaction as C# source files are not exported.
29041Missing links in imaging as LinkType is not created
28482Missing link in transaction as object of type "C# Source file" is not exported
28954Imaging import is failing at step "Removal of all lambdas"
29204Import is failing at step "Removal of .NET Getter Setter Property Access nodes"
29327Missing link in transaction as "C#sourcefile" and "Master source file" are not exported
29038Links are not displayed correctly when adding objects through search view

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-3026The Visual Grouping feature (beta in v 2.4.0) does not function as expected after drilling down from Level 5 (in any scope/view) to the Object level view, closing the Object level view and then attempting to use the feature. The visual grouping is applied but the grouping outline applied to the view is too small and needs to be clicked once to force them to be re-drawn correctly.