See here for more information about the third-party software that is shipped and installed with CAST Imaging.


Resolved issues

Internal IDTicket IDSummaryAffects Version/s



Deletion of incorrectly persistent links on application update

In previous releases of CAST Imaging, when an existing application is updated with a new import (generated following the latest snapshot and export), links between objects that are not present in the new snapshot/import will still exist in CAST Imaging. This bug has been fixed in 1.9.0: object links that exist in the previous snapshot but not in the current snapshot are deleted and will no longer be visible.


Segmentation error during application import

Sometimes during an application import, the process will exit with a segmentation error and cause the ETL container to exit. This bug has been fixed in 1.9.0.


Animation error when switching applications

An error that occurred while switching application in the GUI has been fixed.



Select items improvements

You can now select multiple items in a view as follows:

  • Hold down the CTRL key and then left click one-by-one on the items in the view
  • Hold down the CTRL key and then hold down the left mouse button - this will activate the "lasso" selector.

These options work along side existing selection methods and can be used in the new Create view and Tags features introduced in this release of CAST Imaging.

Create view feature

This feature enables you to create multiple "views" or "vignettes" to investigate a specific set of items. Vignettes can be created from the "base" view in Saved views and Search views modes. See also User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons for information about this feature.

View creation

To create the view, select the items you are interested in, then click the Create View option located in the view itself:

Note that you can select items in the view as follows:

  • Hold down the CTRL key and then left click one-by-one on the items in the view
  • Hold down the CTRL key and then hold down the left mouse button - this will activate the "lasso" selector.

The view "vignette" will be created (click to enlarge):

You can create up to 6 vignettes within the "base" view and you can switch between them, by clicking the vignette (click to enlarge):


  • Each vignette can be dragged holding on to the drag icon present in the bottom right of the vignette and dragging it.
  • The vignette graph can be re-centered by clicking the icon in the bottom left of the vignette.

Save vignette

You can save the contents of the currently selected vignette in a "saved view", by clicking the Save icon in the top right;

Please note the following:

  • if creating vignettes from a saved view, when you perform a save, you will lose the original saved view as CAST Imaging will update this original view with the objects from the vignette.
  • if you have created more than one vignette, you can only save one of those vignettes to a saved view (the one that is selected when you click save).

Delete vignette

  • Each vignette can be deleted by clicking the close icon in the top right corner of the view:

Create tags feature

It is now possible to add specific tags to specific items - these tags can then be used as a search term to find items of interest more quickly. See User Guide - Search for items for more information about searching for tags. Tags can be added in the followings feature at Objects level:

Select the item(s) you want to tag and then click the tag icon to enter the required tag:

Note that you can select items in the view as follows:

  • Hold down the CTRL key and then left click one-by-one on the items in the view
  • Hold down the CTRL key and then hold down the left mouse button - this will activate the "lasso" selector.

Search for tags or a combination of a search string + tags:

Improved display of Data Call Graph and Transaction items in dropdown

The display of Data Call Graph and/or Transaction items has been improved with the addition of:

  • the item's full path in the drop down:

  • Entering free text in the drop down list will search the list of items on the fly and any matching results will be highlighted:

  • Pagination introduced: 100 items will be displayed initially. When the user scrolls down to the end of the initial list of 100 items, a further list of 100 items will be displayed automatically, and so on.

New release of Neo4j

A new release of Neo4j (3.5.12) is now bundled with CAST Imaging. See also Installed third-party software.

Checks introduced on file usage

Checks have been introduced on the server-side to ensure %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\ImagingSystem\neo4j\import\techtreeContainer.csv and %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\ImagingSystem\neo4j\import\techColor.csv files exist before queries utilize them during the import process. Inconsistencies between filename case-sensitivities have also been fixed. 

Performance improvements for transactions and data callgraphs list on server side

API now supports filtering and pagination. 

Known issues

See Known Issues.