Plug-in installation – TFS, Git, SVN

Navigate in Jenkins as mentioned in below to install the plug-ins of

  • Team Foundation Server (TFS)
  • Git
  • SVN


Search for the plug-ins:

  • TFS
  • Git
  • SVN

Proceeding to that click on “Install without restart” button for each plug-in.


After the installation, click on “Installed” tab and cross-check for the plug-in it should be listed, see example below.

For example TFS:

After the successful install of all plugins, restart the Jenkins service.

Job configuration

  • Source code management
  • Database

Database - Credential Configuration

Once the plug-in is installed, we need to set credentials in Jenkins by clicking below navigation:

Jenkins -> Credentials -> System -> Global credentials.


Source code repository

Team Foundation Server (TFS)

Team Foundation Server is a Microsoft product that provides source code management, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, lab management, testing, and release management capabilities. It covers the entire Application Lifecycle Management. TFS can be used as a back end to numerous integrated development environments but is designed to provide the most benefit by serving as the back end to Microsoft Visual Studio or Eclipse.


Click on “Git” to select it. This will expand the section, and show all git related parameters as shown below.

Repository URL: This will be the URL of your remote repository. The syntax is the same as what you specify in the git command line. For example: username@git-server-ip:/git/repository/full/path

The following are some possible syntax for the repository URL:

Credentials: By default, this will be “None”. There will an “Add” button next to it. From here, you can specify the credentials that are required for the Git URL specified above.

Advanced button: When you click on the “Advanced” button, you’ll see two more text boxes. For most cases, you don’t need to enter anything here.

  • Name – You can leave this empty, and Jenkins will automatically generate unique name. This “name” is exactly the same as the one used in the git remote command.
  • Refspec – The default refspec is “+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/*”. This is Ok for most of you, and you can leave this empty. By default this will retrieve all the branch heads as remotes/repositoryname/branchname. If you always want to retrive just one branch, you may want to modify this.

Add repository button: Click on “Add repository” to create this as the default git repository to be used by this particular Jenkins Job.

Branches to build section: In this section under “Branch Specifier (blank for ‘any’):”, the default value is */master. For most cases, you can leave this to default. This will track only the master branch. But, if you leave this blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built. The syntax for this field is: refs/heads/

The following are various possible examples for the “Branch Specifier” field:

  • refs/heads//origin/master
  • remotes/origin/master
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
  • tag-name
  • refs/tags/tag-name
  • commit-id
  • ${TREEISH}
  • refs/tags/${TAGNAME},…
  • Wildcards: e,g: *, **
  • :regular-expression

Add Branch button: Click on this button to add the branch specified in the above “Branch Specifier” field to be used.

Repository browser: By default, this drop-down list will be set to “Auto”. In most cases, you can just leave it to default. This will create the links for the “changes” view inside the Jenkins to an external system for browsing. The “Auto” option will automatically choose the best possible repository browser for the selected SCM.

To add a credential, click on “Add” next to “Credentials” -> Select “Jenkins Credential Provider”, this will display the following add credentials screen.



Configuring the source code repository

  1. In the Source Code Management section, select Subversion.
  2. Specify your Repository URL svn://xxxxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx
  3. Set Credentials to the username and password of the jenkins SVN user.
  4. Set Local module directory to a single dot "." to indicate that we will be checking out code directly into the workspace directory.




Install the below Jenkins plugins as per the plug-in section instruction mention above for this with the navigation.

 Once installed Installation steps:





